NFL 2010 Thread

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Bengals are blowing their draft chances still. Decided to wait to win until the end of the year.

I just figured it out. Can't believe I didn't realize this sooner.
Fox will get fired, Panthers pick up Cowher, and he works the trade

Roethlesberger goes to Carolina, Steelers get their pick in draft. Andrew Luck.
Don't even speak of this crazy talk! I don't get the love of Cowher for the Panther's fans down here. He's the same type of coach as Fox is. He want's to play good defense and have a run first offense, just like Fox.

But anyway, Luck is ours (assuming he leaves) since Denver and the Bengals won this weekend.
Jerry Richardson is proving himself to be one of those owners who won't spend the $$ for a good team. The Panthers will end up as another Lions team- at the bottom of the barrel every year until JR sells the team. He gutted the roster after last year. He sure won't pay what Cowher would require, and Cowher is on record stating he wouldn't want to build a team from scratch. I don't see him in Charlotte.

totally missed the bears game yesterday...visting friends and family(again) that don't watch football until the superbowl.
The score looks like it was a good game
That was the 10 AM special here. Saw the beginning and the end, and was happy with the result.
I cant figure out if it sucks that you have to get up early on a Sunday to watch the pre-game shows or if it rocks that football is on as soon as soon as you roll out of bed.

I just figured it out. Can't believe I didn't realize this sooner.
Fox will get fired, Panthers pick up Cowher, and he works the trade

Roethlesberger goes to Carolina, Steelers get their pick in draft. Andrew Luck.
Don't even speak of this crazy talk! I don't get the love of Cowher for the Panther's fans down here. He's the same type of coach as Fox is. He want's to play good defense and have a run first offense, just like Fox.

But anyway, Luck is ours (assuming he leaves) since Denver and the Bengals won this weekend.
Jerry Richardson is proving himself to be one of those owners who won't spend the $$ for a good team. The Panthers will end up as another Lions team- at the bottom of the barrel every year until JR sells the team. He gutted the roster after last year. He sure won't pay what Cowher would require, and Cowher is on record stating he wouldn't want to build a team from scratch. I don't see him in Charlotte.
I'm going to have to disagree that Richardson is cheap. He has consistently spent money on players and coaches, he just has a philosophy that you don't have to get a big name coach. I hope like hell we don't get Cowher down here, because I don't think he's the answer.

totally missed the bears game yesterday...visting friends and family(again) that don't watch football until the superbowl.
The score looks like it was a good game
That was the 10 AM special here. Saw the beginning and the end, and was happy with the result.
I cant figure out if it sucks that you have to get up early on a Sunday to watch the pre-game shows or if it rocks that football is on as soon as soon as you roll out of bed.
I'm an early riser, so it doesn't matter.

The timing is just different. Back home I scramble to get everything done by 1 PM to have the rest of the day free, but here it starts at 10 AM and goes until 8:30 at night, so I don't know when I'd get to things.

I'll probably have to figure it out next season though.

He may be a goofy, VERY young looking bahstard, but he can throw a freakin' football. Daggone, he looked impressive last night

Bring Solo and the tight end to me!


I'm not a fan of rules that changes between regular season and playoffs, other than obvious stuff like a playoff game can't end in a tie.

The rules are too nebulous. If the receiving team turns it over or kicks a FG, it's sudden death, but if they score a TD or a safety it's over. What happens in the event of a successful onside kick?

Also, do you go for it on 4th and short near the goal line or kick it and hope the other team doesn't score a TD.

I think it's idiotic. Either play by these rules all the time or stick with the standard OT rules.

I'm not a fan of rules that changes between regular season and playoffs, other than obvious stuff like a playoff game can't end in a tie.
The rules are too nebulous. If the receiving team turns it over or kicks a FG, it's sudden death, but if they score a TD or a safety it's over. What happens in the event of a successful onside kick?

Also, do you go for it on 4th and short near the goal line or kick it and hope the other team doesn't score a TD.

I think it's idiotic. Either play by these rules all the time or stick with the standard OT rules.
If the rules work well for the playoffs, I have a feeling that the NFL will adopt them full time. In the case of a team kicking off the OT session with an onside kick, if the kicking team recovers, that counts as the recieving team's possession; i.e., sudden death (I heard this on Mike & Mike this AM). I like the 4th and short scenario near the goal line. There will be more strategery involved.

I can see the Panthers picking Cam Newton now...another Micheal Vick in Atlanta, from the words of an old coach, and the father of the THEN current Falcons coach, Newton will be a coach killer. Talented enough to win games, but not smart enough to win championships. I think the Eagles will feel that pinch soon too.

I'm still a Redskins fan, so it's not a big disappointment to me, but I have my own issues there to deal with....sigh
