NFL 2010 Thread

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The Metrodome roof was designed by Geiger Berger Associates. Based on this failure, will they be sued or prosecuted under any civil law that covers this event? Should they be sued or prosecuted?

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The Metrodome roof was designed by Geiger Berger Associates. Based on this failure, will they be sued or prosecuted under any civil law that covers this event? Should they be sued or prosecuted?
This is actually the 4th time it has collapsed from snow loading. It experienced partial collapses in 1981, 1982, and 1983. I think since then, a snow removal plan was developed and followed religiously. What caused this collapse was the fact that conditions were so bad during the winter storm that the guy in charge of snow removal pulled his crew off the job for the sake of their safety. The consequence of abandoning snow removal duty was a collapse of the dome. I don't think there will be any lawsuits over the collapse. It's an unfortunate side effect of the design they chose...not really an engineering error. They could have avoided this problem by building a rigid roof structure, but that would have cost significantly more.

I hope the Pats get all of these Ass-Whoopin's out of their system, and cool down by playoffs. As of right now, they look to be in a different league.

damn it.

Another Redskins loss this week. They freaking botched an extra point that would have sent it to overtime. At least Torain looked like an animal. We need to send Portis out to pasture.

The Metrodome roof was designed by Geiger Berger Associates. Based on this failure, will they be sued or prosecuted under any civil law that covers this event? Should they be sued or prosecuted?
This is actually the 4th time it has collapsed from snow loading. It experienced partial collapses in 1981, 1982, and 1983. I think since then, a snow removal plan was developed and followed religiously. What caused this collapse was the fact that conditions were so bad during the winter storm that the guy in charge of snow removal pulled his crew off the job for the sake of their safety. The consequence of abandoning snow removal duty was a collapse of the dome. I don't think there will be any lawsuits over the collapse. It's an unfortunate side effect of the design they chose...not really an engineering error. They could have avoided this problem by building a rigid roof structure, but that would have cost significantly more.
Maybe not an engineering error, but the engineers in charge should have pointed out that it sometimes snows in Minnesota, and therefore building a roof that would collapse because of snow accumulation was a dumb idea.

I hope the Pats get all of these Ass-Whoopin's out of their system, and cool down by playoffs. As of right now, they look to be in a different league.
damn it.

They looked like they were playing indoors on turf yesterday. As a bears fan, that was hard to watch, but rather get beat like that than to whiff an extra point for the loss.

The Metrodome roof was designed by Geiger Berger Associates. Based on this failure, will they be sued or prosecuted under any civil law that covers this event? Should they be sued or prosecuted?
This is actually the 4th time it has collapsed from snow loading. It experienced partial collapses in 1981, 1982, and 1983. I think since then, a snow removal plan was developed and followed religiously. What caused this collapse was the fact that conditions were so bad during the winter storm that the guy in charge of snow removal pulled his crew off the job for the sake of their safety. The consequence of abandoning snow removal duty was a collapse of the dome. I don't think there will be any lawsuits over the collapse. It's an unfortunate side effect of the design they chose...not really an engineering error. They could have avoided this problem by building a rigid roof structure, but that would have cost significantly more.
Maybe not an engineering error, but the engineers in charge should have pointed out that it sometimes snows in Minnesota, and therefore building a roof that would collapse because of snow accumulation was a dumb idea.

it comes down to a cost benefit analysis. It has only happened in few times in 30 years so I am sure the cost to repair is still less than a rigid roof structure.

aren't the viking looking for a new home for next season anyways...
Next year is the last year of their lease at the Metrodome. They have been lobbying Minneapolis for a new venue for about a decade, but they don't want to spend tax dollars on a new stadium while they have huge budget shortfalls for necessary expenses. Two groups from Los Angeles have approached the Viks trying to get them to relocate.

aren't the viking looking for a new home for next season anyways...
Next year is the last year of their lease at the Metrodome. They have been lobbying Minneapolis for a new venue for about a decade, but they don't want to spend tax dollars on a new stadium while they have huge budget shortfalls for necessary expenses. Two groups from Los Angeles have approached the Viks trying to get them to relocate.

Move the LA Vikings to the NFC West and the Rams into the NFC North. The teams save on inter-conference airfare and the owners can then reduce ticket prices. The reduced ticket prices stimulates the economy and we all get raises. Thank you NFL!

The Metrodome roof was designed by Geiger Berger Associates. Based on this failure, will they be sued or prosecuted under any civil law that covers this event? Should they be sued or prosecuted?
This is actually the 4th time it has collapsed from snow loading. It experienced partial collapses in 1981, 1982, and 1983. I think since then, a snow removal plan was developed and followed religiously. What caused this collapse was the fact that conditions were so bad during the winter storm that the guy in charge of snow removal pulled his crew off the job for the sake of their safety. The consequence of abandoning snow removal duty was a collapse of the dome. I don't think there will be any lawsuits over the collapse. It's an unfortunate side effect of the design they chose...not really an engineering error. They could have avoided this problem by building a rigid roof structure, but that would have cost significantly more.
Maybe not an engineering error, but the engineers in charge should have pointed out that it sometimes snows in Minnesota, and therefore building a roof that would collapse because of snow accumulation was a dumb idea.

it comes down to a cost benefit analysis. It has only happened in few times in 30 years so I am sure the cost to repair is still less than a rigid roof structure.
It's really all Al Gore's fault. The designer had assumed that due to global warming the average winter temperature in Minnesota would be 85 degrees by 2010 but thanks to legislation to reduce CO2 emissions that hasn't happened.

What % of construction cost does an NFL normally pay for the stadium? I would hope (as a taxpayer) it would be a large percentage.

What % of construction cost does an NFL normally pay for the stadium? I would hope (as a taxpayer) it would be a large percentage.
I think the Vikings proposed paying for 1/3 of the construction cost out of their money with the city picking up the other 2/3.

What % of construction cost does an NFL normally pay for the stadium? I would hope (as a taxpayer) it would be a large percentage.

I bet its actually really low. Most professional sports teams have perfected the "Build us a stadium or we're moving to a new city" play. Plus teams "pay" for the stadium by leasing it to play games in, which probably means the payback period is stretched out of several decades.

I think the Vikings proposed paying for 1/3 of the construction cost out of their money with the city picking up the other 2/3.
Everyone seems to forget that the Vikes won't budge on a retractable roof stadium. It would cost $900+ million.

Target Field (the new Twins Stadium) was ~$550 million.

TCF Field (University of Minnesota football stadium) was ~$350 million.

No wonder we won't pay for a damn stadium!

Why doesn't Charlotte have a Lingerie Football Team? That would be a team I could really get behind, even when they're losing!

