NCEES Record - system upgrade

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if it helps relieve the frustration at all, the references get an email, click the link, say how long they worked with you, if they managed you, what company, if you're licensed, and whether they're an ethical person. all are yes/no/1 wordish answers. and then a paragraph option of anything else you would like to say. so at least it's not like list x projects in x areas for blah blah. this doesn't negate the argument being made, but if "it is what it is" then it shouldn't be too horrible. It took me less than 2 minutes to submit my response for a coworker. And I think 3/5 have to be licensed PEs? 

but can someone inform me how to migrate from paper records to digital? is there a button somewhere :)

Good info, Julie. According to NCEES all 5 need to be licensed PEs or SEs. I agree though, I think this is overall an improvement for new people signing up for the records system.

but can someone inform me how to migrate from paper records to digital? is there a button somewhere :)
Several buttons - it's called the keyboard. Take info from the reference form that was submitted 3 months ago and type it in into the new system.

if it helps relieve the frustration at all, the references get an email, click the link, say how long they worked with you, if they managed you, what company, if you're licensed, and whether they're an ethical person. all are yes/no/1 wordish answers. and then a paragraph option of anything else you would like to say. so at least it's not like list x projects in x areas for blah blah. this doesn't negate the argument being made, but if "it is what it is" then it shouldn't be too horrible. It took me less than 2 minutes to submit my response for a coworker. And I think 3/5 have to be licensed PEs? 
For Structural Engineers, not a big issue either since you are surrounded by PEs. Not so for many other disciplines. 5 PE references are accumulated over 10-15 years of career. You change jobs, they change jobs......

For Structural Engineers, not a big issue either since you are surrounded by PEs. Not so for many other disciplines. 5 PE references are accumulated over 10-15 years of career. You change jobs, they change jobs......
You should ask NCEES for a reference. There doesn't seem to be a penalty if you go beyond 5 references so I'd say spam the heck out of anyone licensed at NCEES. (Only half joking here. <_< )

You should ask NCEES for a reference. There doesn't seem to be a penalty if you go beyond 5 references so I'd say spam the heck out of anyone licensed at NCEES. (Only half joking here. <_< )
They have the appropriate SPAM filters programmed in......

You should ask NCEES for a reference. There doesn't seem to be a penalty if you go beyond 5 references so I'd say spam the heck out of anyone licensed at NCEES. (Only half joking here. <_< )
Obviously without having first hand knowledge of your background an engineer at the Council would be unable to fulfill this request.

Obviously without having first hand knowledge of your background an engineer at the Council would be unable to fulfill this request.
But since it would only take them a minute to reply back that they can't be a reference then it's totally fine. Let's all add them just in case they might have some first hand knowledge of our background. :p :D It's not like us engineers have anything better to do than fill out frivolous forms, right?

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Glad to read that I am not the only one P-O'ed about this change!

For the as yet uninformed, the following changes took place effective with the early June software update:

  1. Your old log-in ID is no longer valid
  2. You must visit the site and create a new  log-in ID
  3. Your former member number has changed (or so it appears)
  4. With your new log-in you CANNOT view your records
  5. To view your records you must pay the NCEES $175 to move your records from the old system to the new system.  You will then have the capability to edit and update your professional career information.  You remember, the personal career data you collected, compiled, edited, and manually typed into their archaic old database.
  6. After paying the $175 you can request your record to be transmitted to another jurisdiction (actually, you may have to select a jurisdiction first) for additional licensure, and pay that jurisdiction their required fee.
  7. You no longer pay the $25 annual fee
  8. You no longer need to provide annual experience updates
  9. You no longer need to provide annual references
  10. You no longer need to provide information regarding changes in managers, employers, or work assignments
I am 60 years old and do not foresee a need for me to obtain licensure in another jurisdiction during the remainder of my engineering career.  However, I still feel they stole from me by removing my access to my career data that I ENTERED INTO THEIR SYSTEM, and for which I dutifully paid the annual  maintenance dues.  I am taking solace in not needing to pay the $25 annual fee, and not needing to collect & submit the annual update information.

I discovered all this when I contacted the NCEES last week since my council Record renews (or did) in July of each year.  I searched through old emails for anything from NCEES and found one message dated May 30th or thereabouts, informing me the database would be unavailable during June 1 through June 10 for a software update.  No other information was received!  Note: these dates are from memory and may be off by a few days.

@MI-Roger, if you want leave a message on NCEES's facebook page. It seems about the only place they regularly read and respond to complaints.

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And it costs $75 to send your record to a board.  Just had a fun live chat.  I about choked when they told me I needed to contact NCEES for certain information about my record.

If anyone is curious or didn't get it, here's a copy of the email that NCEES claims "warned" us about all this:

The NCEES Records Program will be unavailable June 11–19 for system enhancements. You will not be able to access your account during this time. As a reminder, all upcoming transmittal requests must be submitted no later than June 10.

Thank you for your patience as we work to bring you a new and improved system.

They forgot the part about where it was going to take hours of work and over $100 over six weeks to re-verify what had just been done only several months ago.

@MI-Roger, if you want leave a message on NCEES's facebook page. It seems about the only place they regularly read and respond to complaints.
I have sent two very polite emails to NCEES regarding other means to access my data.  Both emails were answered in professional but extremely terse sentences, effectively saying "Sorry Charlie, pay the $175 or go get lost."  I was hoping to access my career data to use it for my PMP Exam registration since my employer has decided that PMP certifications are more valuable to them than PE licenses.  Of course not valuable enough for them to pay for the cost of classes, review materials, and exams!

Luckily I have hard copies of my last experience updates to the NCEES.  Being "Old School" and fixated on hard copy documents can be a benefit sometimes.

The fallacy of NCEES' logic with their new business model. 

Over the next five years till my retirement the NCEES will receive zero dollars from me. 

Under their old business model they would have received $125 from me during the same time period.

In the unusual event that I actually have a need to access my former information for an additional license, the NCEES will receive $100 from me, The remaining $75 of the required $175 fee is the standard historical transcript fee and therefore a sunk cost.

So they changed the process, frustrated and/or angered thousands of members, and will be losing revenue too.
