I think you are asked to leave the exam room if you do that.do not under estimte the value of exposing yourself
When I took the exam that was mandatory so they could check for illegal calculatorsI think you are asked to leave the exam room if you do that.
Calculators with some sirens?When I took the exam that was mandatory so they could check for illegal calculators
My advice to examinees is to not take yourself, or the exam, too seriously. A little bit of levity helps to break up the tension that will cause you to freeze up during an exam.I know you guys have already passed your PE exam so why dont we post things that will help others or just dont say anything at all. Just to clarify that the NCESS sample exams questions can be bought any where you normally get your PE prep materials. Dont take my word for it check it out.
Zorlev,I know you guys have already passed your PE exam so why dont we post things that will help others or just dont say anything at all. Just to clarify that the NCESS sample exams questions can be bought any where you normally get your PE prep materials. Dont take my word for it check it out.
I would highly recommend a gluten-free meal for lunch the day of the exam.Zorlev,
Consider it the price of help... unlike "the other board", no one is here to make money. So if you can't separate the chaff with the wheat, might I suggest you try a gluten free wheat flour substitute?
calculators without the proper paperwork?When I took the exam that was mandatory so they could check for illegal calculators
Glad to see that you are in agreement. Other potential PE candidates dont forget theses.calculators without the proper paperwork?
zorlev, you are right, NCEES practice problems are a must. I did the Sample exam, then the CD over and over, since it's questions were the same but would change numbers at times.
calculators without the proper paperwork?
zorlev, you are right, NCEES practice problems are a must. I did the Sample exam, then the CD over and over, since it's questions were the same but would change numbers at times.
Didnt know I could get a cd? Are you talkin bout from the website? Is it free or paid?
I have the NCEES Sample exam questions booklet tho
My take - people say Lindeburgh's are tougher, NCEES are more realisitic. .. .I find i struggle equally hard with whichever source, so believe you're likely to see any of it (or all of it lol) pop up on exam.
There simply is no coasting, no 'good enough' status. Just keep practicing. . . :brickwall:
my view on this is that I worked questions from practise problems for EERM, exam cafe, sample examinations, six minute solutions, older EERM ( by Yarborough ) and NCEES sample examinations. I found that after doing the exam that non of these were as close as the NCESS sample tests and the second nearest was was the six minute questions. In terms of difficulty, the older EERM questions were a good test of where you can reach over time.My take - people say Lindeburgh's are tougher, NCEES are more realisitic.