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I just had to say, that this is the best thread out there for entertainment purposes. I'm in VA still waiting on results but this has kept me occupied while doing so. I love it because when it comes to results time, engineergirl has every person in NC that took the exam by the kahunas and/or tata's and everyone is looking forward to the next post so bad you don't even realize that she can has all the power to tweak, twist, pull, yank, bite you anytime she wants and make you squeal for more. Gotta love what she does for you though. To bad VA is so slow or lucky enough to have someone like her to give updates, but that's what you get dealing with ELSES. I can't wait until next time for more of the same quality of entertainment.

I've gone back through the thread and don't know if I've overlooked it, but is there confirmation that they have mailed the results yet? I know engineergirl said it would probably be today.

Give us an inch, and we want a mile. Sorry, just wondering if anyone else knew.

I've gone back through the thread and don't know if I've overlooked it, but is there confirmation that they have mailed the results yet? I know engineergirl said it would probably be today.
Give us an inch, and we want a mile. Sorry, just wondering if anyone else knew.

I was wondering about the same thing....!!! Looking for engineergirl !!!!

I've gone back through the thread and don't know if I've overlooked it, but is there confirmation that they have mailed the results yet? I know engineergirl said it would probably be today.
Give us an inch, and we want a mile. Sorry, just wondering if anyone else knew.

I was wondering about the same thing....!!! Looking for engineergirl !!!!
Let's say If they have mailed out today, will they arrive home before christmas? I called USPS today, they said they're open until 12:00 p.m tomorrow, anyone expert on these, I live in greensboro

So which address do the mail your certificate too? your home address, right?
I'm curious about that, too. Anyone?
It should go to the address you specified as your preferred mailing address on you application I think.
I had completely forgotten about that teensy tiny checkbox on the application - glad you mentioned it! I went ahead and got in touch with NCBELS this morning, who provided me my PIN number, so I changed my info on the website. I have no idea why I chose my work address as preferred in the first place - I guess my mind was already turning to mush.

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I called NCBELs trying to get my FAILING! score and they said that the letters would be mailed out on Dec 28th. She also said there was a lot of stuff that had to be done by hand so I couldn't know I didn't pass just because I didn't have a registration number like all of the other people who passed the PE. Then she went on to tell me that Santa is real and that one day world peace will be achieved. I am now retreating back into fairytale land where I am a PE!

^ I guess that's a slight glimmer of hope for people that didn't find their name on the website. That would just be dead wrong if you were one of the people's that had to be graded or input by hand and put through all this waiting turmoil....however, it would be better than having to take it

Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I called NCBELs trying to get my FAILING! score and they said that the letters would be mailed out on Dec 28th. She also said there was a lot of stuff that had to be done by hand so I couldn't know I didn't pass just because I didn't have a registration number like all of the other people who passed the PE. Then she went on to tell me that Santa is real and that one day world peace will be achieved. I am now retreating back into fairytale land where I am a PE!
now that gives me hope as i look out into the purple haze

I called NCBELs trying to get my FAILING! score and they said that the letters would be mailed out on Dec 28th. She also said there was a lot of stuff that had to be done by hand so I couldn't know I didn't pass just because I didn't have a registration number like all of the other people who passed the PE. Then she went on to tell me that Santa is real and that one day world peace will be achieved. I am now retreating back into fairytale land where I am a PE!
now that gives me hope as i look out into the purple haze
Deadline for Apr exam is Jan 2 (saturday), result will be mail on Dec 28, Post office open halfday on Dec 31, how are we gonna handle the re-exam fees by this time? Any one have seen this situation before, this is so funny!

I think I remember someone saying that the deadline for re-takers is different b/c they understand you're in a time crunch...

you might want to call the board and ask about that...

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