Movie thread

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Bad Boys for Life - if you're a fan of the first two movies and know what to expect going in then you'll like it.  Other than the nostalgia the movie was pretty terrible.  Was really surprised to see quite a few parents bring their 8 - 10 year olds to the movie.

I will probably see it when its out on dvd.

Last night we watched Captain Ron - a little corny, sort of pulled one out of the archives, but hadn't seen it in 10 years and pretty much everyone was laughing..

"Be careful in the jungle boss, lots of guerrilla's"

I enjoy pulling out a 25 year old + movie and hearing my 17 year old and 18 year old laugh out loud at it.

I understand. The old john candy movies are great for that.  I introduced my kids to Summer Rental, The Great Outdoors, Uncle Buck, etc.

Saw "Onward " tonight with my son. Very good Pixar movie. Great adventure, humorous D&D references and themes, and had me fighting back tears. Got a big hug from my son after the end6, so that was a bonus. 

Saw "Onward " tonight with my son. Very good Pixar movie. Great adventure, humorous D&D references and themes, and had me fighting back tears. Got a big hug from my son after the end6, so that was a bonus. 
Saw this over the weekend.  Very good movie - much better than I expected from the previews.  

Mmmm, I, too, saw Onward this weekend.  Not...what I expected.  Maybe it was ruined by the baby that kept crying during the show (no, parent, 'shusshing' your own child doesn't seem to be working), but I wouldn't call it 'great'?  It was an okay movie in my book.  I feel like the previews gave away a lot of stuff.  I was way more interested in the "Soul" preview that was shown before, tbh.

I couldn't sleep last night and watched "Britney runs a marathon" not sure if its a true story or not, but if I was portrayed to be even half the epic bitch that the lead actress was in that movie I hope they get a bigger check!

I couldn't sleep last night and watched "Britney runs a marathon" not sure if its a true story or not, but if I was portrayed to be even half the epic bitch that the lead actress was in that movie I hope they get a bigger check!
Don't know her name, but I never liked the chick who starred in that.  One of those that I wonder how she even became an actor in the first place because she's not very good at it.

Finally got to watch "Ford vs Ferrari" last night.  I started watching it a couple weeks ago, but I was about 5 minutes in when the wife walked in and got mad I was watching it without her.  TBH, I was surprised she had an interest.  We both thought it was really good.  Wish they would have cut out the last 10 minutes or so to keep it from ending on such a bummer.

I didn't wait for her to watch "Joker" and she got a chance to watch that the other day.  She was blown away with that one.

I guess I’ll have to watch it (Ford / Ferrari) but it just has zero appeal to me for some reason.

I did watch the remake of the CHiPS series / movie - pretty low brow humor but have to admit I laughed throughout the movie...I was texting some of my cop friends as we watched it and apparently it was a if hit with Law Enforcement.

Saw Emma. this past weekend (I probably should not have gone to the movies due to the virus, but this was one of those movies that was only showing at 'special' theaters and prob will cost $10+ to rent later on).  I really enjoyed it!  I'm always leery of Jane Austen-based movies, since so much of her writing is more about the wit/observations than the actual actions, but I thought this was a pretty solid adaption.  I did like that they portrayed the main love interest more as a person, that this paragon of virtue as in the book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ive been resisting the urge to watch that, or outbreak, even though it shows up as the "trending' movie

We did rent Jumanji - sequel - arghhh... it was pretty bad... I liked the addition of Devito and Glover but I lost interest pretty quick and just had it on in the backgroud while doing some work..

I do like that a lot of movies on AMC are able to be rented at a fraction of the cost.  I might actually rent Ford v. Ferrari since it's only $5.99/rent.  A bit pissed that some of the newer movies (like Emma.) are $19.99 to rent.  I mean, I get that they need to make their money back, but I'm not going to rent it for $19.99.  Maybe $9.99 or the price of a regular movie ticket ($12-something).

10 years ago I had this great idea to make a high end drive in movie theater - of course I didn't have any investors or money to do it, but right about now that would be the coolest thing since sliced bread...

That would be so great right about now! Especially since we could bring our noisy kid and no one would be bothered but us.
