The Michigan.gov "check a license" tab is offlline for "upgrading", it's supposed to be back up today (Monday). Maybe they are adding a batch of new names --- fingers-crossed!!!
Congratulations Raanne!OH! my card and "certificate" (if you can call it that) came on Friday - so its official, and its done.I am sure if there were problems you would have been contacted (like me, with forgetting the signature)... maybe it just took people a long time to turn in their reference forms?
Actually i'm sure thats teh case - all of my references were michigan, so they didn't really have to do any checking up (except for in their own records)...Congratulations Raanne!
There is the fact that two of my references were California... that could add some time if they had to check them out.
Actually i'm sure thats teh case - all of my references were michigan, so they didn't really have to do any checking up (except for in their own records)...
good luck! I hope you get it soon! oh - and keep checking the website, because i found out my license number way before i actually got anything in the mail.
(if you are looking for anything to hang up, you might wnat to order a decorative certificate - what they send is hardly frameable)
Is it like calling the elevator? The more I push the button (check it) the sooner it arrives?????? :brickwall:
The wait is killing me. I think this is harder than waiting for the test results!
I'm still waiting too, no letter, nothing on the website! I noticed that you need to search on full last name only in the new license look-up (do not include any letters of a first name). Not as many automatic wild card search features. It looks like they migrated a lot of data (e.g. old or lapsed) to the new database. ModernDougAugust 27: Still waiting for a license in Michigan.
ok - now i feel like a freak for getting mine so soon - i wonder what the hold up is... its past the 6 weeks from when we got our letters - have you tried calling them?
/good luck...
Have you called / heard / seen anything new? Thanks.Raanne,
I'm trying to be 'patient' since I figure they're getting plenty of calls that are driving them crazy...
My patience does have an expiration date though!
I figure if I don't see it by the end of the week, I'll contact them early next week to ask if everything is OK.
I'll keep you all posted,
Nothing yet.Have you called / heard / seen anything new? Thanks.
Nothing yet.I ended up going out of town for a few days this week on a new project.
I'm going to drop them an Email before I leave.
I'll report in when I know more!
(Still waiting)
Ben - still no word??? Please tell me that there are assistants doing the initial sorts to determine completeness and put into various piles. I'm still sitting tight, but would like to know whether I need to scramble to fill a "hole" and get back in the "ready for consideration" stack. - ModernDougOK, I know more now!!!
I contaced Michael Pillow again. His reply sounded like he's pretty stressed out, but progressing through the applications.
Long story short: They review the license applications in the order of 'last reference received', or 'application complete' sequence.
Right now he's working on license applications that were complete on July 10. My last reference (my current boss!) didn't get his in until July 24! :brickwall:
He said it will likely be a couple more weeks before he'll even open up my application to know if there is anything else needed.
Hopefully this helps us all wait paitiently!!!!
Ben - still no word??? Please tell me that there are assistants doing the initial sorts to determine completeness and put into various piles. I'm still sitting tight, but would like to know whether I need to scramble to fill a "hole" and get back in the "ready for consideration" stack. - ModernDoug
:multiplespotting:I'm just trying to sit here patiently waiting.I have no idea how long this may take. (I think the government is back in operation?)
My guess is that when they get to my file I'll either get a license, or a notifcation that more is needed.
This is all pretty frustrating after all the time and effort put in this spring.
Patient, I must be patient..... :brickwall: