Kids of EB

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We verified 10 fingers and 10 toes. We'll know on delivery day whether the total finger count is actually 11. ;)

Riverbanks zoo in Columbia.
Concur. They've done a really nice job with that zoo.

Edventure and the State Museum aren't too far away from it either, if you want to make a day of it.
I deployed out of Fort Jackson so my wife took our daughter to the Children's Museum in Columbia which was really nice.

I took my field trip to Pealrz Oyster Bar.

Just put together the Tow Mater power quad that my sister ordered for MiniFF's 2 year birthday tomorrow. I'm fearing that i went on our last walk him with on his trike tonight... He's gonna wanna go on his electric truck for awhile and have nothing to do with his bike.

Just put together the Tow Mater power quad that my sister ordered for MiniFF's 2 year birthday tomorrow. I'm fearing that i went on our last walk him with on his trike tonight... He's gonna wanna go on his electric truck for awhile and have nothing to do with his bike.
we've already told family we are going non motorized for the outdoor rideons.

Was thinking of buying Junior a Power Wheels Mustang for her birthday or x-mas this year since she's starting to get into racing (she'll sit and make shifting noises if we push her in a shopping cart), but the cost of those stupid things just baffles me, and the batteries never seem to last more than a year.

Got Emmett a PW's Arctic Cat side-by-side several years ago. I thought he was too young but he actually learned really quickly. He's the only 5 year old I know who can parallel park. Between the two boys, they have literally ridden the wheels off it...the plastic has worn through to nothing in spots. About a year after we got that one we got one of the 4-wheelers for Jack. It's ironic, we got the new house with the much bigger yard but they actually ride them less now. The biggest problem is our back yard drops down and those plastic wheels don't get any traction on grass so they get stuck at the bottom.

We were out yesterday and Emmett and I stopped at a couple motorcycle stores to check out the real deal so he could sit on a couple and gauge sizes a little bit. If that happens, the Arctic Cat would probably go on Craigslist and I would have to wrap the tires on the 4-wheeler with some bike tires to make that work a little better to keep Jack happy for the time being.

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Any tips for teaching your kids to ride a bike without training wheels? My son loves riding his bike, but completely refuses to get on it now that I took the training wheels off. I kept them on at our previous house because the cul-de-sac we lived on was too steep to do any learning on, and now that we're at the new house with flatter streets, he won't try it. The frustrating part is that he keeps asking to go outside and ride bikes with his friends (including a couple younger ones already riding without training wheels), but decides to ride his scooter instead as soon as he remembers the TW's are removed. He's always been one of those kids that won't do anything until he knows he can do it perfectly (didn't talk until he was 18 months, but jumped right into 2-3 word sentences).

^ thats a toughy...maybe promise to help him practice everyday without the training wheels around dinner time when no one else is out and about?

I crashed into a fence pole shortly after the training wheels came off my I understand the hesitation.

Any tips for teaching your kids to ride a bike without training wheels? My son loves riding his bike, but completely refuses to get on it now that I took the training wheels off. I kept them on at our previous house because the cul-de-sac we lived on was too steep to do any learning on, and now that we're at the new house with flatter streets, he won't try it. The frustrating part is that he keeps asking to go outside and ride bikes with his friends (including a couple younger ones already riding without training wheels), but decides to ride his scooter instead as soon as he remembers the TW's are removed. He's always been one of those kids that won't do anything until he knows he can do it perfectly (didn't talk until he was 18 months, but jumped right into 2-3 word sentences).
My father spent a few weeks after he took off the training wheels, walking/running next to the bike with the plan of "if you fall I'll catch you". One day he ran forward about twenty feet, then stopped.

I freaked out, forgot how to brake, and had a crash along the side of a short chain-link fence (that is, I was moving parallel to the fence - I slid along it for a good 10-15 feet). That was my introduction to vectors.

I remember putting a long orange streak + scratch along the length of my aunt's new Caddy. Other than that one small event, I have no recollection of learning to ride.

Any tips for teaching your kids to ride a bike without training wheels? My son loves riding his bike, but completely refuses to get on it now that I took the training wheels off. I kept them on at our previous house because the cul-de-sac we lived on was too steep to do any learning on, and now that we're at the new house with flatter streets, he won't try it. The frustrating part is that he keeps asking to go outside and ride bikes with his friends (including a couple younger ones already riding without training wheels), but decides to ride his scooter instead as soon as he remembers the TW's are removed. He's always been one of those kids that won't do anything until he knows he can do it perfectly (didn't talk until he was 18 months, but jumped right into 2-3 word sentences).
Yep. Anyone can teach him, except you. Both of my boys learned to ride a bike from someone other than their parents...It wasn't because we hadn't tried to teach them, we tried. Many hours, many tears (mostly on our part). The oldest learned from the neighbor who was 2y older, the second learned from his brother and one of his friends, both 5y older...I think it's an independence thing...knowing you can do it w/o mom or dad...and come to think of it my grandma taught me how to ride a bike...

^^^ you want to come up to Denver sometime?

Actually, that makes sense. My sister watched him for a weekend over the summer and said she got him to ride no problems (still ended up with a skinned knee). Maybe I should send him off again.

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Update: when we got home from school today he asked if he could ride his bike. We pulled it out, he put on his helmet, then got on and just started riding. He didnt want me to touch it or help, so I just stood there and watched him go. He struggled the first couple of attempts but eventually got it and was riding like a champ within minutes.

He actually got disappointed when I made him stop because it was getting dark.

Im definitely a proud dad.

Edit: photos added

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Good on mini-dex!

My kid asked to clean the floors this evening. My kitchen floor is sparkling. People keep telling me he'll grow out of cleaning, but I'm not rushing that. I'm hyping cleaning for all it's worth.

Update: when we got home from school today he asked if he could ride his bike. We pulled it out, he put on his helmet, then got on and just started riding. He didnt want me to touch it or help, so I just stood there and watched him go. He struggled the first couple of attempts but eventually got it and was riding like a champ within minutes.
He actually got disappointed when I made him stop because it was getting dark.

Im definitely a proud dad.

Edit: photos added

Well done Dex!

Yeah Minidex.

My kid asked to clean the floors this evening. My kitchen floor is sparkling. People keep telling me he'll grow out of cleaning, but I'm not rushing that. I'm hyping cleaning for all it's worth.
I'm with you on that one. Minisnick loves to swiffer the kitchen floor and do laundry.

My son liked operating the vacuum for a while. Unfortunately, the novelty has worn off. Next weekend, I think I'm going to try to teach my son how to do an oil change on my truck. Note to self: Pick up a fresh bag of oil-dry (aka kitty litter) before turning son loose around open containers.
