Kids of EB

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A 145# lineman? Shouldn't he be playing corner or wide out?
Probably, he played quite a bit of defense as a freshman. He's an outside tackle right now. He does hit hard, though, and they use lot's of screen plays that need some more nimble linemen to chase down linebackers. Our QBs are short...

He'll probably get moved back to defense next year. It's kind of a remnant from middle school, when he was one of the tallest kids so they put him on the line. Like I said, I'm glad they wear pads...

our highschool football team's practice field is near minisnicks daycare so i see the practice going on when i pick him up...if there is even a single player taller than 5'5" and more than 120 pounds while wearing pads i'd be surprised...

JV team won last night 7-6. Son had two holding calls against him (doh! it happens on every play just don't get caught), but otherwise lots of awesome play was one of those screen plays where the LB never knew what hit him.

on to the greyhounds next week!

go team!

Today is mini-ble's first day of preschool. I still can't believe he's already going to school, but I know it will be good for him. I was planning on driving down to go with him and Mrs. ble, but we decided that it would probably make it harder on him when we leave, so I'll just have to wait to hear from Mrs. ble on how it went.

Also, mini-ble2 slept for almost 7 hours straight last night! So nice to have uninterrupted sleep.

Yeah...sleep is great!!!

Preschool already!!!! wow time flies...he will be in kindergarten before you can blink an eye.

Minisnicks daycare also runs a preschool program so I don't have to worry about arranging that when it is time. Although he will be in preschool for an extra year since his birthday is after the Sept 1 cut off for kindergarten.

Minisnicks daycare also runs a preschool program so I don't have to worry about arranging that when it is time. Although he will be in preschool for an extra year since his birthday is after the Sept 1 cut off for kindergarten.
This is how the daycare center is for both of my kiddos. My son made the smooth transition from daycare ->preschool -> 1/2day kindergarten -> 1st grade.

It helped that we always called it school and never called it daycare. As far as my kiddos know, they've been in "school" for years.

we had our first bloody nose last night. MInisnick was walking in the kitchen while carrying his vtech helicopter and he nose dived when he tripped. Not too bad, it stopped quickley but trying to pinch a toddler nose to stop a bloody nose is rather difficult. Poor little guy was a grump the rest of the cream cake didn't even help his mood.

Jack got a bloody nose yesterday when Clifford accidentally punched him in the nose...there's a reason they're called boxers. He cried for a minute but was fine although in the car a little bit later we heard him telling his brother, "hey look, my boogers are red".

we had our first bloody nose last night. MInisnick was walking in the kitchen while carrying his vtech helicopter and he nose dived when he tripped. Not too bad, it stopped quickley but trying to pinch a toddler nose to stop a bloody nose is rather difficult. Poor little guy was a grump the rest of the cream cake didn't even help his mood.
ice cream cake = good

hopefully he's happier today

We took the kids to the zoo on Friday since the weather was nice. Mini-ble1 had a great time seeing all the animals and he got to feed the giraffes. On Saturday a classmate from preschool had a birthday party at a nearby petting zoo, so he definitely got to see a lot of animals this weekend. He's been talking about them ever since.

We took the kids to the zoo on Friday since the weather was nice. Mini-ble1 had a great time seeing all the animals and he got to feed the giraffes. On Saturday a classmate from preschool had a birthday party at a nearby petting zoo, so he definitely got to see a lot of animals this weekend. He's been talking about them ever since.

What zoo did you guys go to? Trying to find a good one within a reasonable driving distance.

Riverbanks zoo in Columbia. It's about an hour and twenty minutes from me, so not a bad drive. It's also a good size for smaller kids because it only took us around 3 hours or so to see everything. The zoo up in Asheboro is nice, but much, much larger.

Might have to do that with Junior when my parents come for a visit, since my mother is a big fan of zoos as well.

might have to bust out the full size connect 4. Mr snick was playing it with minisnick on his phone. minisnick understood the point of the game, it wasn't just random drops.

Just got back from the 20-week ultrasound. We're having a BABY!!! Well, going in for a 20-wk ultrasound makes it obvious that #2 is on the way, but we have now confirmed that Mrs. MS is not carrying a giraffe. Thank God.

Just got back from the 20-week ultrasound. We're having a BABY!!! Well, going in for a 20-wk ultrasound makes it obvious that #2 is on the way, but we have now confirmed that Mrs. MS is not carrying a giraffe. Thank God.
You know, this should really go in the 'Expecting' thread that someone *cough cough* started way back when. Irregardless*, congratulations!

*I am now preparing for an onslaught of insults for using this word.

Good thing too, since giraffes are born with horns.
