Kids of EB

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Number 1 son completely disassembled the X-Box and brought it back from the red ring of death...Geek-in-training. So Proud!

Thats awesome always nice to have someone in the family with those kind of skills.

Minisnick's birthday weekend was a blast. As usual he got way too much stuff....but he is playing with it all so thats a plus. He woke up from his nap yesterday and headed straight for all the new toys...his first stop is usually the kitchen for a snack.

Only have to take 2 things back. He already had the curious george story collection book and for whatever reason my In laws decided to buy minisnick a bright pink etchasketch...they said it was the only color the store why buy it then...because they clearly don't know the difference between a magnadoodle and etchasketch. (its what you said he could use)

I failed to take my camera but thus past weekend my 12 year old got scuba certified!

That's what he wantedfor his birthday so that was fine for me. Now at least I have a dive buddy since my wife doestn like to dive in the quarries in Atlanta and surrounding area...

Yeah! Sounds like fun. Now you have a back up buddy for whoever doesn't want to go diving any particular day

I'm not sure that #1 is ready to go into the repair biz just yet...I was just glad to see that he actually thought about trying to fix it first before deciding it was trash. He definitely has the the fix-it "knack", but it came from his dad not from me.

My signature block reminded me of something minisnick said this weekend. I was trying to open one of the toys he got for his birthday and he was getting annoyed by how long it was taking me and started whining. My mom told him to have patience and minisnick turned around to look her, gave her a look and said patience right back to her. It was hilarious.

Mini-ble is starting to repeat everything that we say, so we are having to be much more careful what we say around him. The other day he was trying to repeat sh!t after I said it, but he couldn't quite get the sh sound right.

He will also tell you what he wants to do when you tell him to do something. I told him the other night while he was moving his toys from one side of the room to another that it was time to go take his bath. He looked at me and held his index finger up like he's making a point and said "Mini-ble finish this then bath, ok?" I just had to laugh.

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Little ElCid likes to tell me all about her day on Skype but most of it is gibberish over the computer so my wife has to translate. I bought her a Little Tykes truck for her birthday and overnight she is the most popular girl in the neighborhood.

you can do that in parts of IL. My sister does the traffic school when she gets tickets, but it really isn't an option down here where we live.

Yeah! minisnick 2 yr check went A okay and no shots needed so even better. Just need to keep an eye on his eyes. He has been going cross eyed when he drinks or puts things up to his face. If we tell him to cut it out he does it again this time on purpose. So we can't tell if the first time is the real deal or just trying to go cross eyed becausue it is a new skill he has learned.

Well, it is almost done. Mini-kevo will need to wear a helmet for a while. Her head is kind of wierd shaped in the back.

They scanned her yesterday so in 2 weeks, we'll get it and haver her start wearing it.

Sorry to hear that, Kevo. I hope that it is a short lived need to wear the helmet, and that mini-Kevo is healthy.

Had my first parent-teacher conference this morning for mini-Buff (for pre-school...really). Turns out Mrs. Buff and I are doing a pretty good job of parenting (pats self on back). The teachers said she is one of the easier kids for them, is always super-excited anout activities, is making firends, and is ~ 1.5 years AHEAD of where other kids her age are, as far as knowing numbers, shapes, colors, etc.

Funny story from yesterday: mini-Buff didn't want to put away her naptime stuff, and gave the teacher 4 or 5 reasons why she didn't want to. The teacher said she needed to try, but if she still couldn't do it, maybe she could ask one of her friends to help her. Sidenote: she does this at home, too, even though she is fully capable of cleaning up after herself. One of the rules is no snack until nap-time stuff is put away. So what does mini-Buff do? Does she try, then ask for help? No no no. She starts asking her friends 'Um, can you put my nap-time stuff away for me?' in her sweetest voice. She actually got an older, normally bossy girl to put it away for her! We had to have a little talk about personal responsibility. And she's not even 4! I'm in trouble in about 10 years.

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^^ Thanks Buff. Hopefully, it will only be 3-4 months.

Ironically, she will get her helmet on Halloween......

Mini-ble had a blast trick or treating last night as Winnie the Pooh. We took him last year to a few houses and he had fun, but this year he really knew what was going on. He would ring the doorbell and say "trick or treat" and then say "Happy Halloween" when we were leaving. I can't believe how big he is getting. Next year will be a lot of fun, and mini-ble2 will be walking around with him.
