Kid's Christmas Toys

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These aren't the droids you're looking for...

all 3 of my kids (10,8,6) want Ipod touch'es for christmas, I think there way too young so thats going to be a no on that one..
But I already bought my boys the holy grail of christmas gifts, a red rider bb gun (with a compass in the stock) no ****!!!!

Daughter said all she wants is a cat %&&^&***!!!*&&!! she is 8 and has outgrown most of the little girlie stuff, girls at that age IMO are very hard to shop for how many Hanna Montanna shirts can she need? But I dont want her to be a teenager yet so I still dont know what to get her, all she will write on her christmas list is cat!
Potential solution: stuffed, dead cat:


The other night I dreamed that I was inside the Death Star. I kid you not.
Aaaaand, I had lost my luggage. And you would THINK, wouldn't you, that in a place like that stuff like that would be tracked ? But NOOOOOOOOOOO. It wasn't. And the elevator was out and I had to slide to the bottom on a huge pile of sand. When I woke up I was FURIOUS.
I don't think even the imperial storm troopers were as evil as the airline luggage people and TSA. Next time you go through the airport, just imagine everyone in storm trooper armor, and it all begins to makes sense....

Potential solution: stuffed, dead cat:
Awesomeness. I can just imagine a little girl waking up on Christmas morning, coming down the stairs, seeing the cat, not realizing it is a piece of taxidermy, then the shock and awe when she does find out it is taxidermy. There has got to be a youtube video of something like that.

I wouldn't mind slipping my yule log under their holly bush.

How can Ken be gay, or straight for that matter, when he isn't even "equipped"?

Well, I went ahead and bought the little monster her first bike. She's always begging her mother to take her on bike rides, and she's going through a growth spurt, so it probably wouldn't be too long before she was able to pedal it, especially if it doesn't really come out until spring.

Looks like I'll be getting MIAF a sewing machine. Probably going to be a Kenmore I was looking.

we used to give our son leggo kits, and extra tracks or other features for the brio train set. our daughter never tired of barbies.

they did not have that bubble butt though^^
