Kid's Christmas Toys

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Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
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I love buying kids' toys at Christmas. I have to be very careful, too, that I'm not just buying stuff that I want.

This year is pretty exciting. My 6 year old son has developed an intense interest in engines. I have to routinely buy him Hotrod magazines and the like so he can look at pictures of camshafts, pistons, differentials, etc. What he wants most of all is the Lego Technic Off-Roader. Hell Yeah! I can see having a lot of fun putting that one together with him. He can't build it himself at this point, so I know I will get to have the fun. But, in his favor, he is already making little single-piston engines and other geared contraptions out of the limited Technic pieces we have right now. So I know it will be worth it. (He's getting some smaller stuff, too, that he can play with without help ;) )

My 12 year old daughter is getting a Wii. Once again, Hell Yeah!

How about you folks? Anyone else as excited about the kids toys this year as I am?

Very cool gifts Dleg!

Wife and I were discussing this tonight on what we'll end up getting the kids:

8YO - stuff to go with the fish tank she's getting for her birthday in a couple weeks, and then a personal mini-dvd player to take in the car (ie. keeps her from fighting over what to watch with her sister)

6YO - See above, ditto

1YO - A cardboard box. THis kid has everything and the grandparents are going rat **** bat **** again - must be that they think he's the last one they're getting... so most likely clothes, etc, he won't know the difference. He occupies himself with climbing on the furniture.

I do like to shop for the fun stuff for the kids.

My wife is going out tomorrow, and darn it if I get to stay home with the kids. As much as some fighting between themselves will get on my nerves... it'sll be a hell of a lot better than manning that stupid crowd tomorrow.

Oh - and I'm going on a guys only trip to see the Mizzou / Beaker game this Saturday, so I'm already getting in tailgate mode.

I don't have children but I have married into plenty of younger nieces and nephews.

5 yr old niece - iCarly Drum Set. My SIL is gonna love us. :)

18 month old nephew - a basketball hoop. Apparenly he went crazy for a friends.

18 month old nephew - haven't figured this one out yet.

4 yr old niece - Tinkebell doll.

I am still figuring out what I am going to do for Mrs. JR. I am totally looking forward to Christmas - I am taking two weeks to go back home to Florida. :)


Our four-year-old has been drooling over the Cabela's catalog. Now that I've focused him AWAY from the pricey scopes and real guns, I think we've decided to augment his fake compound bow with a fake crossbow. He's a tiny hunter.

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It's going to be a Lego year at the Flyer house. To quote Dleg: "Hell yeah!".

My kid (teenager) always gets money and clothes. The money always changes into video games.

I keep seeing these little fake hamsters are the newest Elmo.

I'm sure we will be coming home from christmas with more stuff for mini snick than what we left with for everyone else. I really don't know what we will give him though, still too little for all the cool stuff.

First Christmas we got our kid one of those Exersaucers, and while we had to wait a while for him to use it, it was a wonderful thing. Enjoy these first Christmases where you don't have to go overboard.

^There was something magical about the time he thought the box was much more fun than the toy that came in it.

Right now my kids' (2.5yr & 4.5yr) favorite toys are either cardboard boxes or the Happy Meal toys. I have given up spending more than $5 on any single toy for either of them.

My kids are all old, so no fun toys for me, at least until the grandkids start coming. Due to economic constraints, I'm not buying any gifts this year.

I did get my niece a second-hand computer, but that was more for necessity.

My favorite ages for Christmas stuff are from about 18 months to 3 years old - that is a magical time for kids.

^My son was kind of slow to catch on to the whole Santa idea, so this year (age 6) is starting to look like the big year for him. He is stoked. Santa has become a real "reward" in our punishment/reward system around the house "You better watch oooout...." is about all we have to say right now to get him to calm down when he's acting up.

Our four-year-old has been drooling over the Cabela's catalog. Now that I've focused him AWAY from the pricey scopes and real guns, I think we've decided to augment his fake compound bow with a fake crossbow. He's a tiny hunter.
That's hilarious.

Do you have a dog? You should get some fake antlers for it so he has something to hunt.

My favorite ages for Christmas stuff are from about 18 months to 3 years old - that is a magical time for kids.
I know, thats the age range where even unwrapping gifts is a tentative, hit or miss thing for them - now its stand back and keep the kitty & doggy out of reach!

my kids are 3-1/2 & 5. The boy (youngest) is getting into (bless his heart) the star wars characters. Cutest thing, R2D2 is R-tootie, and Darth Vader seems to be his fave. I can't help but wonder if when he's old enuff if I should have him watch the series in the order we all saw them, or if he should watch the 'prequel 3' before the original 3. at any rate, can't wait for that. Daughter's kinda into the barbie & Disney princesses type of things. not too much for me to :woot: over anyways, but seeing them get what they want is worth whatever my personal take on the gifts are :D

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^I'd watch them in the same order we did. If you subject him to Jar Jar early on, he might lose interest in the rest of the series....

I'll be getting my little one some LSU socks, one-sie, and hat. Of course, that's only if it comes on or before Christmas. Since the due date is 12/26, the little dude/dudette may be SOL and just get those for its birthday. ;)

^I'd watch them in the same order we did. If you subject him to Jar Jar early on, he might lose interest in the rest of the series....
yeah, i kinda agree; but thats alot of the 'bad' Darth Vader to absorb right off the bat...not to mention the prequel ones would probably be more watchable for him at an earlier age than the original 3 - oh well, years down the road anyways...

My favorite ages for Christmas stuff are from about 18 months to 3 years old - that is a magical time for kids.
Those are the best times - I go out of my way for the kids but adults are pretty much on their own, IMHO.

Do you have a dog? You should get some fake antlers for it so he has something to hunt.
Now that is hilarious!!!! :rotflmao:

my kids are 3-1/2 & 5. The boy (youngest) is getting into (bless his heart) the star wars characters. Cutest thing, R2D2 is R-tootie, and Darth Vader seems to be his fave. I can't help but wonder if when he's old enuff if I should have him watch the series in the order we all saw them, or if he should watch the 'prequel 3' before the original 3. at any rate, can't wait for that. Daughter's kinda into the barbie & Disney princesses type of things. not too much for me to :woot: over anyways, but seeing them get what they want is worth whatever my personal take on the gifts are :D
Nice ...

My niece says Punge Bob Care Pants! :rotflmao:


Do you have a dog? You should get some fake antlers for it so he has something to hunt.
We have a deer decoy in the house for that. You know how many times I've had to hang that thing up because it needs to bleed out and cool off?

Punge Bob Care Pants is cracking me up.

Already bought myself the Wii, Playstation 3 is at my sister's house since she was crazy enough to go out to WalMart on Black Friday and grabbed one for me amidst her own things.

As for the little one, I put a roof over her head, that's good enough, right?
