It's Friday!!!!

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Given the massive corporate buyout, we're expecting pink slips to be in the envelopes with our drink vouchers this year.

I heard from an older friend of mine at my last company that the seemingly annual layoffs have started again. Didn't seem too thrilled considering the 31 years of employment.

hope that isn't the case supe. They stopped doing the holiday party last year...because people stopped coming. We had to pay for it ourselves and it was always crappy options so I never went. We are having a snack day next week sometime...which with my coworkers means stores bought doughnuts and cookie and chips and salsa. woohoo

Going to mr snicks holiday party which is in January though. At some fancy restaurant in Kansas city.

Party last night was actually pretty sweet. It was in the museum itself, so they had various food stalls scattered throughout all of the NASCAR Hall of Fame exhibits. We got to drive the race simulators, do the pit crew challenges, etc. That place isn't cheap to go to in general, so I'm glad I got to see all of it free of charge since I'd never been before.

Almost forgot that today's Friday for me!!! Going to the company Christmas party tomorrow night and will get to drink some good cold (and free) beer and eat some free food. Doesn't get better than that!!

:party-smiley-048: :bananalama: :Banane20: :multiplespotting:

This has been one of those weeks, for sure. Have to work tomorrow, but will be following with superfluous amounts of beer and racecar.

Almost forgot that today's Friday for me!!! Going to the company Christmas party tomorrow night and will get to drink some good cold (and free) beer and eat some free food. Doesn't get better than that!!

:party-smiley-048: :bananalama: :Banane20: :multiplespotting:
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubes.

Waiting for boss to finish a review so I can push it out for signature and GTFO of here!

getting outta here at 4; headed to airport, then the company adult Christmas party at the Turtle Club (RUAT? YBYSAIA).

Already know what I'm going to order, so it'll be a small lunch today :)

Enjoy yer weekend everyone! I got some more snowplowing to do tomorrow, otherwise it's R&R.
