I'm about to take the FE Exam in a few days, and I was wondering if you can still see your results on the FE Exam if you pass it. I failed it before, and I got a report that told me how I did on each section. If I pass the exam, will I get the same kind of email that notifies me that the results have been released? Or will I get an additional email that congratulates me for passing the FE Exam? Thanks in advance!
I'm about to take the FE Exam in a few days, and I was wondering if you can still see your results on the FE Exam if you pass it. I failed it before, and I got a report that told me how I did on each section. If I pass the exam, will I get the same kind of email that notifies me that the results have been released? Or will I get an additional email that congratulates me for passing the FE Exam? Thanks in advance!