I just switched to Geico...

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Had State Farm since either 88 or 89... Been pretty happy with them....it's nice to be able to say.. We've been with your for 25 years.... These aren't the dents your looking for....,,

Yes State Farm is pretty fair. I have been with them since 86. Their bank is really fast. When I bought my boat, I just called my agent and he had a check the next morning.

State Farm for everything and I've had no complaints at all. I've had claims on my car (uninsured driver backed into my wife's van and left) and my house (hail storm, new roof and siding) and they were great to work with.

I have been with Allstate since I was a teenager, but the quote they just have me was ridiculous. For a 2011 Tacoma and a 2011 VW, they want $1336 for the six-months. Online quote from Progressive for the same coverage plus more (use of rental car if our car is damaged, gap insurance) is $443 for the six months. I suddenly wasn't feeling so loyal to Allstate. That includes having our house insured with them.

That's way high. I'd have a talk with them to make sure they didn't do something really stupid when they generated the quote. I'm paying less than half that for coverage on three vehicles.

Yeah, my actual agent is out of the office, so it's his office manager generating the quote. So far all the other companies I've contacted have quoted me less than half that as well.

When we moved I played switcharoo with insurance. I had been with State Farm for a decade. They were pretty high to cover the new house. So I went with AAA for everything for a year and was not happy with them at all. Now with Allstate and have no complaints.

I've got Progressive on my car and Jeep and AAA for my house. I seem to end up switching every couple years because they offer you teaser rates to start with and then start jacking them up over time. Though this time I signed up for Progressive's program where they put a black box in your car to monitor your driving behavior for a few months and give you a discount if you meet their targets. I think I got like a 23% discount so we'll see if that continues.

We were offered the black box thing and turned it down although we probably would save money in the wife's car does she drive super slow me not so much ..

I don't recall our exact payment but I want to say every six months for each car is like 400 bucks maybe? Full Coverage.....

^ Agreed. I've had good experiences with State Farm, AAA, and National General (never had a policy, but they insured someone who hit me - they were wonderful).

Speaking of home insurance, how often are you supposed to adjust your coverage? Every time you buy something expensive that you keep in your house? Or remodel? Or...?

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I have been in a wreck twice with progressive customers (they were at fault )in the last couple of years they were not major wrecks but from my side progressive was a total pain in the ass to deal with.....
