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last time I went bowling I had one-too-many and ended up eating it in the lane... it was pretty great (for everyone but me)

last time I went bowling I had one-too-many and ended up eating it in the lane... it was pretty great (for everyone but me)
Hell, I've done that stone cold sober before. I also bowled the best game of my life (243) while completely obliterated.

JR.... only a 12 pound ball??? You should be using a 16 pounder!!!
I know, I know ... I am a wussy boy!! :f_115m_e45d7af:

This must be a message board for engineers, to turn a conversation about candid naked chick photos into a conversation about bowling. :screwloose:
My thoughts exactly !! :Locolaugh:

the conversations end up in the gutter (pun intended) just as much.
Well played +1

Hell, I've done that stone cold sober before. I also bowled the best game of my life (243) while completely obliterated.
I had started with a few drinks earlier in the night playing pool and picked up during those frames we played. I ended up getting a ride to my friend's house and played Rock Band for the remainder of the evening. I kept hitting 'fail' on the bass guitar because I was just way too drunk to hit the chords right! :oops:

FWIW - the brunette in the pictures asked me if I wanted to go bowling again but at a different location. I guess she didn't mind the evening out with me! :eyebrows: :17:



There you are! I've been looking all over for you!

You folks have no idea how painful it is to be separated from a buddy like testee. To wonder where's he's going. To realize how long it's been since you've seen him around.

How's it been hanging, little buddy?

OK keggling fans, only in New England - do you find candlepins.
let the "little ball" (big pins) jokes begin
I remember doing this as a kid in NE! I also remember the big huge signs about not lobbing your balls.

Once, while regular bowling, I threw the ball backwards. Oops.

I remember doing this as a kid in NE! I also remember the big huge signs about not lobbing your balls.

Once, while regular bowling, I threw the ball backwards. Oops.
Lobbing was how I bowled in college. I think I may have left a few divots in the lanes at CU!

If the ball touches the lane before its about half way down there, you're not doing it right!

Some might say that you should switch to a narrower lane, in that case.
Or control your balls better.
Makes no difference when you bowl like you play bocci ball.

Do you guys factor in me clipping the ceiling joists with bowling balls when you design a building?
