How do you not ...

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Here's a pic of her holding my ball .. are you happy now??
Did you take her glow bowling? You ARE a wild man!!!

Did you give her the ten pin?

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^^^ Yeppers ...

That pic is taken after double tequila number ... lost count at that point! :wacko:



In that picture it looks like you're more interested in your phone than in her. What could be so important on your phone that you're ignoring the beautiful young woman sitting next to you?

In that picture it looks like you're more interested in your phone than in her. What could be so important on your phone that you're ignoring the beautiful young woman sitting next to you?
It's not his phone, it's his buddy's phone with the pictures of her on it.

In that picture it looks like you're more interested in your phone than in her. What could be so important on your phone that you're ignoring the beautiful young woman sitting next to you?
Hmmm ....

I was texting some people ... I will withold names to protect the innocent ... :rolleyes:

It appears you have a 12 pound ball....

How do you walk?

Classic drunk pic!
:w00t: +1

Damn JR, you hang out with some fine lookin' ladies.
Thankies ....

Picture of the other lady I was out with that night ...



^ Cosmic bowling (again) -

Your 'clubbing' skillz are suspect JR ;)

JR.... only a 12 pound ball??? You should be using a 16 pounder!!!

I am though impressed... you found a bowling alley. Up by me here in NJ, there aren't too many left!

(Sidenote: I bowled competitively for years from 6th grade through HS, and even took a shot in a Regional PBA event where I didn't make the first cut)

Although, I am not that good, I do have my own ball and used to average 185.

My ball has an inscription "BAGINA" where my name should be scribed. (Pronounced Ba-Jai-nah)

It made for great material when my buddies would go bowling with me. I'd tell them

"Keep your hands off my bagina"


Feel how smooth my Bagina is.


NO ONE puts their fingers in my BAGINA



(you get the picture)

DV you would be a mothers worst nightware if her kids had to share a lane with you. Mom what does that word on his ball mean...

I like bowling, but I'm just average at it. There is a bowling ally in the new town, but we haven't ventured out. Now that Illinois is smoke-free bowling on league may be an option. My allergies would make me miserable for days after being at a bowling alley at night or during league play.

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This must be a message board for engineers, to turn a conversation about candid naked chick photos into a conversation about bowling. :screwloose:

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DV you would be a mothers worst nightware if her kids had to share a lane with you. Mom what does that word on his ball mean...
to top it off, when you put you're name in the computer, the first initial of each bowler goes in the box on the left of the screen above. Me, my wife, and our friends always played as:




Ken and sometimes another couple would show up as



^^^ Since then, we've had kids of our own and had to 'grow up'

OK keggling fans, only in New England - do you find candlepins.

let the "little ball" (big pins) jokes begin

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