Replacing a dishwasher should be easy. Have you ever tried to replace one in a 90 year old house? Sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiittt. Our house has wood floors throughout. Like, the good stuff they used a long time ago. At some point, a previous owner thought it'd be neat to put brick pavers over the floor in the kitchen. Must've been done after the existing dishwasher was installed. Well wouldn't you know... that extra thickness of that floor prevented me from removing the old washer.

After deep thoughts and debating several options, I decided to cut the legs and move them to get just enough wiggle room to rip the damned thing out. *** SUCCESS!!! ***
Now all i have to do is install the new washer.
Remove it from the box, put on the feet and slide it to the opening. This new one won't fit with the feet screwed out a couple of turns. F. <screw feet all the way in> Dishwasher won't go in straight. Gotta walk it in left, right, left, right, etc... *** SUCCESS!!! *** Now i just have to secure it to the cabinets with the tabs... that are still in the bag on the floor (these need to be installed prior to putting washer in its place)...
F! Take the f'er out, all-the-while beating the motors / pump on the bottom to **** going over the ledge created by the pavers / wood floor. Try to install tabs with screws on tub. Tabs aren't pre-tapped for screws... Remove and "tap" holes with supplied screws. Re-install. Screws don't go flush to tub - remove screws / tabs - break out Mr. Dremel and Mr. Drill. Install tabs and cuss the dishwasher back in the hole. Where's my f'ing supply hose? Go to install one hose end to the supply valve... wrong connector... You see, the copper piping that came off was compression at the dishwasher end and flared at the valve end. The crackhead who made that decision is sick. My hose is compression at both ends.
F!!! Wait! I got a bag of adapters with this piece of ****. <tear the torn up kitchen apart searching for bag> I find the bag, tear it open and analyze to find that not a damned one of those adapters will work to hook up my hose at the valve. I screwed adapter to adapter convincing myself that I could make it work. Nothing. Wait! Maybe I can re-use the old copper tubing with these adapters. Nope.
F. I am now at the mercy of a $7 adapter fitting at the big orange box.
It's now 8 PM and I accept defeat for the day. I am left with a dishwasher that does not work (yet), but looks good installed where it is. I am left with an embarrassingly full sink full of dishes and a wife who isn't showing she's upset only because she witnessed this crusade. I am also left with two boys who helped a bit during the ordeal, learned more of the fine art of "saving money by doing jobs yourself", and probably learned a few new words. To be continued.