Holy Crap! New Job/Promotion/Bonus

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Well, it isn't quite official yet. I've been selected for the spot, but I'm just waiting for my paperwork to go through before I get my final offer. They must be figuring everything looks good though because they have listed my old position on CPOL. We actually have another empty engineer spot in our section so they got the announcement out there to try and get some responses sooner rather than later, but from what I hear they are going to fill my spot from that announcement as well. I added a post in the Jobs section if anyone is interested.

I also got some more good news the other day. One of my initial concerns about the new job is that it would be a Construction Control Representative rather than an Engineer. Not a huge deal up front, they both pay the same, but I was a little concerned how well that would work in the future if I want to try and move up to a higher Engineering position, i.e. well this guy is only a construction rep. I was finally able to talk to the guy who called me about the spot and he told me their intention is to bring me in and then once I'm on the books change me to a Project Engineer since I am an Engineer.

I better go to the doctor to make sure I don't have some odd fatal disease.

I just got an email from my lady in personnel telling me I am getting a $2500 relocation incentive to move home?!?! I'm sure not going to complain about it, but we both thought it was a little funny.

I better go to the doctor to make sure I don't have some odd fatal disease.
I just got an email from my lady in personnel telling me I am getting a $2500 relocation incentive to move home?!?! I'm sure not going to complain about it, but we both thought it was a little funny.
double bonus!

I better go to the doctor to make sure I don't have some odd fatal disease.
I just got an email from my lady in personnel telling me I am getting a $2500 relocation incentive to move home?!?! I'm sure not going to complain about it, but we both thought it was a little funny.
You, sir, need to go buy a lottery ticket. You can't lose!

Since this relocation incentive is basically 'free money' that we weren't really expecting, we've actually been kicking around the idea of using it to get a new LCD TV. That should go nicely with our Wii. The big question is who will win...she wants a standard 46" ~$1,000 or so, he (read, me) wants to blow the wad on the new 55" Vizio LED TV that has built in wifi so you can surf the web and download movies straight to the TV via Netflix, Blockbuster, etc.

Since this relocation incentive is basically 'free money' that we weren't really expecting, we've actually been kicking around the idea of using it to get a new LCD TV. That should go nicely with our Wii. The big question is who will win...she wants a standard 46" ~$1,000 or so, he (read, me) wants to blow the wad on the new 55" Vizio LED TV that has built in wifi so you can surf the web and download movies straight to the TV via Netflix, Blockbuster, etc.
Gooooooooooooooooooo Jeb!!!!!!!!!!!

(just in case I can do the same some day, I want to have a precedent)
