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We've made some serious progress today on the project, Had a big-ass steak for lunch and I am on the first helo off the rig tomorrow.
That just summarized all the good points I remember about working offshore - big-ass steaks and the helo ride the hell outta there.

Had any mechanical problems on the helos yet Freon? Working off CA, I only rode helos on maybe 50% of my jobs, but even at that, I experienced two emergency landings back at the airport after minor (thank God) mechanical failures. I preferred the crewboats.

That just summarized all the good points I remember about working offshore - big-ass steaks and the helo ride the hell outta there.
Had any mechanical problems on the helos yet Freon? Working off CA, I only rode helos on maybe 50% of my jobs, but even at that, I experienced two emergency landings back at the airport after minor (thank God) mechanical failures. I preferred the crewboats.

I've yet to have a problem. So I hope my luck holds out.


^It probably will. I think I just have had bad luck (or good, the way I look at it) with that stuff.

Good morning, EB. I don't know what kind of a day I'm in for, but I'll be glad when it's over. Dog and pony show. :unsure:

Actually, today is the PRE-visit for tomorrow's REAL visit, so I'll be really glad when tomorrow is done. :)

We have an executive visit planned for next Monday. As soon as you drive on site you can smell fresh paint and cleaning solution.

In a time when resources are so scarce, it's amazing what management will do to try to make themselves look good at the last minute. NO! We are NOT working any OT due to cost controls. Um, they are visiting next week? OK, I approve 20% OT...

I think it is gonna be a good day. Mom is doing much better than everyone expected after the triple bypass, there is no boss for the rest of the week, the admin is out, so no incomings, and its gonna be sunny and 65 this afternoon, so the wife and I might take a stroll ths afternoon.

I think it is gonna be a good day. Mom is doing much better than everyone expected after the triple bypass, there is no boss for the rest of the week, the admin is out, so no incomings, and its gonna be sunny and 65 this afternoon, so the wife and I might take a stroll ths afternoon.
Glad to hear your mother is doing well!

Thanks. She's already demanding to go on a trip Sunday, but its a two hour round trip over some bumpy roads, so she's been advised against it. She's hardheaded strong-willed, so we'll see.

^Yeah, i know. Her appendix BURST and she didn't tell anyone about it. Said she felt some pain about 18 hours afterwards. THAT one was a close call.

My day is not off to a good start. For one thing, it's 7:15 and I've already been here half an hour.

The other lovely thing I woke up to this morning was a bedroom carpet full of blood spots all over the place. I trimmed the dog's nails last night, and he was squirmy. I cut one too close and it began to drip blood and it would not stop. After 45 minutes of holding cotton up to it, it finally stopped, and I went to bed...or so I thought.

He must have licked at it overnight and opened it up. I spent 25 minutes on my hands and knees scrubbing it up with Woolite earlier. :mad:

Today will be a tossup. Both bosses are out of the office, but I just know the phone calls will start rolling in at 8:00. I've also got to manage to track down speakers for a conference, who are willing to fly and pay hotel on their own dime, because our company won't pay for it. Yea, like that's going to happen.

Despite a bad start (flat ire on wife's car), looks like the day's getting better. Mom's getting out of the hospital today, two days earlier than expected.

^ Hooray for Mama CW!

As far as the tire goes, it could be worse. Last time I had one I went out to clear the snow off my car to see that one tire sprang a leak and deflated overnight.

So I'm trying to change a tire in about 8 or 9" of snow, its still coming down, the spare tire cover is frozen on....and it was my birthday. :suicide1:

Today has kind of sucked. My son was tossing and turning and crying all night because his tooth was hurting. He has a bad cavity and is mildly autistic, so our dentist has been unable to get him to comply for the past several months (we don't have the resources around here to anesthetize him), so his advice was just to let it go until it got so bad it required pulling. So we thought that moment had occurred, so we brought him in this morning. The poor little guy had finally resigned himself to it, and told the dentist "OK I'm ready to sleep" (referring to the nitrous - which doesn't actually make him sleep, and has not been enough in the past), but the dentist wasn't ready for him. So he just gave us antibiotics and told us he hoped that would kill the infection and make the pain go away, and we would try again later. The Navy is coming through here in August to do a full anaesthesia dental clinic for all the kids with special needs like my son, but we don't think he can make it until then.

Sometimes living in the middle of nowhere (literally - can't drive out) has its drawbacks.

But on the positive side, I got an e-mail from an interviewer today, and it's looking pretty good for me with a federal position in Arizona.

So sorry Dleg. Poor little Dleg. Hope he feels better soon. How about some Anbesol? If it's swollen, how about some warm cloths to reduce the swelling. I feel so bad for him.

Federal prison in Arizona? really? Hope all turns out well.

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Anbesol kicks ass, but it is very temporary. One of my wisdom teeth had a cavity in it down to the roots, and I couldn't get it removed for over a week. They gave me Percosets for the pain, but I mainly used Anbesol about every hour to make the hurting stop.

Today has kind of sucked. My son was tossing and turning and crying all night because his tooth was hurting. He has a bad cavity and is mildly autistic, so our dentist has been unable to get him to comply for the past several months (we don't have the resources around here to anesthetize him), so his advice was just to let it go until it got so bad it required pulling. So we thought that moment had occurred, so we brought him in this morning. The poor little guy had finally resigned himself to it, and told the dentist "OK I'm ready to sleep" (referring to the nitrous - which doesn't actually make him sleep, and has not been enough in the past), but the dentist wasn't ready for him. So he just gave us antibiotics and told us he hoped that would kill the infection and make the pain go away, and we would try again later. The Navy is coming through here in August to do a full anaesthesia dental clinic for all the kids with special needs like my son, but we don't think he can make it until then.
Sometimes living in the middle of nowhere (literally - can't drive out) has its drawbacks.

But on the positive side, I got an e-mail from an interviewer today, and it's looking pretty good for me with a federal position in Arizona.

Damn Dleg, that sucks. I guess we take that kind of stuff for granted back here. I hope things get better for you. Can you get children's motrin there. That stuff works wonders for us. If you can't I'll FedEx you some.
