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I passed!!!!!! EE first time. What a relief. Good luck to all of the other people on this site.
Thanks for all the great advice from everyone at this board.. It really helped. I plan to stick around and help out where I can.
Congrats to the new Georgia PE's... Pat yourself on the back...and pray for the rest of us waiting.

Congrats guys! I just looked up the two folks I knew taking party time there :( Even though I passed last October, I think I would have been an even more nervous wreck if I had known the results would be out BEFORE Christmas.


:multiplespotting: :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Here's a present for you.

I wore mine as a badge for three days around the office until everyone was sick of seeing it.

By my count, somewhere around 88 people recieved their PE license in Georgia from the October 2007 examination.

To those who passed: Congrats!

Anyone want to take a guess at how many people were in the room at Macon in October??? I didn't really pay attention, but it seemed like 200, 250????

By my count, somewhere around 88 people recieved their PE license in Georgia from the October 2007 examination.
To those who passed: Congrats!

Anyone want to take a guess at how many people were in the room at Macon in October??? I didn't really pay attention, but it seemed like 200, 250????
Strange that you should ask. I counted tables when we were in the Centreplex. I don't know why but somehow I remember 11 rows x 13 columns x 2 persons per table = 286.

Strange that you should ask. I counted tables when we were in the Centreplex. I don't know why but somehow I remember 11 rows x 13 columns x 2 persons per table = 286.
That means 88 out of 286 passed. That's 30.7% Yikes.

Congrats !! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Me too. I passed.
Congrats !! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

I passed!!!!!! EE first time. What a relief. Good luck to all of the other people on this site.
Thanks for all the great advice from everyone at this board.. It really helped. I plan to stick around and help out where I can.
Congrats !! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Freaking Sweet! I passed!!!
WTG RW !!! :bananalama: Congrats !! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:


Anyone in Georgia gotten an actual letter yet? I was out of town when the results were posted online, I figured the actual letter would be waiting for me in the mail when I got home. I was disappointed to find nothing but Christmas cards and bills when I got back. :(

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No letter yet. I'm thinking today. I didn't pass (at least my name wasn't on the website) so I'm waiting on the letter to confirm what I already know.

At least you got Christmas cards - I was innundated with ONLY bills! :eek:hmy:
Yea, at least my mail wasn't all bills. Nice change of pace to get something in the mail that isn't telling me I need to send money to someone. :)

So, anyone get a passing letter for GA yet? I still haven't. I know someone who got a "better luck next time" letter in the mail late last week (for the FE). I don't know why, but I really am anxious to get the letter in hand. It just doesn't seem legit without it. :(

roadwreck said:
Yea, at least my mail wasn't all bills. Nice change of pace to get something in the mail that isn't telling me I need to send money to someone. :)
So, anyone get a passing letter for GA yet? I still haven't. I know someone who got a "better luck next time" letter in the mail late last week (for the FE). I don't know why, but I really am anxious to get the letter in hand. It just doesn't seem legit without it. :(
Still waiting on my letter. I hope it will come today. Would have thought that it would be here by now. My name is on the board, but , like you, I want to get that letter in hand.
