Game of Thrones ! (HBO Mini Series) Spoilers......

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no my mom is one of those people that has to talk back to the TV  "Don't go in there!!  - its one of her annoying Yankee traits...

Ill just have to find a way to watch it when they are not around..

I think Junior is the only one worse than Mrs. Supe when it comes to talking/asking questions during a show.  I constantly have to pause rewind because they make me miss **** by talking.

My daughter is horrible about talking during shows/movies. Only about half the time it's about the show/movie itself.  She's OK in the theater, but is horrible about it at home. We've just learned to hit the pause button every time she starts talking, yell at her to shut up, then resume the show.

I think Dany and Cerci are starting to align their thought processes, "I don't care if I'm ruling over a pile of ashes so long as I'm in charge." I wouldn't be surprised if Cersi torches King Landing right now and frames Dany's dragon. Season 8 Dany is nowhere near the same quality of person she was back in in Mereen. Her whole persona changed with the whole "bend the knee" bit with Jon back at Dragonstone.

The Jamie/Brienne thing was a bit odd, but I have a theory on it. Jamie is feeling guilty over the fact that he is happy with Brienne and doesn't think he is worthy of happiness after the life he's lead. His story about returning to Cersi is a lie, but it was a believable one so that Brienne wouldn't waste her time waiting for him and would move on. Meanwhile, I think he goes Bronn hunting. He has to know that Cersi would never let him back into Kings Landing and he really isn't welcome anywhere else. What else can he do? Maybe return to Casterly Rock?  :dunno:

That’s a good thought because Jaime looked pissed that Bron would essentially blackmail them? I mean **** they should just have him killed if they end up on the Winning side.

I’m wondering if there is going to be some Westeros social media effort to let the people in Kong’s Lansing now Jon is the tire heir and cause some type of revolt?

But the people haven’t really been involved in this series.

The more I think about it, the more I think that:

1) Dany is going to catch wind of Varys' betrayal, execute Varys, and this turns Tyrion in Jon's favor

2) Dany is going to come in, burninate all the people and their thatched roof cottages,  Jon confronts her with the truth over the fact that she's no better than the rest, is only about the power not the people, etc., and ends up killing Dany. 

3) Arya kills Cersei while Cleganebowl happens in the background.

4) Euron is still lingering about, so he and Jamie duke it out, with Jamie dying while "redeeming" himself.

5) Sansa takes Iron Throne because Jon doesn't want it.

Edit: I think maybe the Dany tries to burn Jon with the dragon, but the dragon can't/won't burn Jon as a Targaryen. 

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Never. I will believe talking animals, dragons, and all manner of other extraordinary things, but when shows start playing with physics without a good explanation, I don't like it.
We call it "Dungeons and Dragons Physics".  No need for a good explanation.

I could see Dnay going scorched earth or Cersei burning it all down out before her fall. I think the latter is more likely. 

I don't see anyone on the iron throne at the end. King's Landing will be ash and most of the heroes and villains will be dead. Sansa may seem the logical choice, but she reminded us last week that Stark's don't do well in the south. Ultimately I see the seven kingdoms saying fts and splitting apart for good. 

I'm usually wrong about these sorts of things though.

we re-watched a few pieces of EP 4 and I defin think Jaime is going back to kings landing.

Wife got busted....

We usually watch GOT pseudo-live...~9pm as soon as the stream is up on HBO Go...but for whatever reason we didn't this week.  Our TV is a TCL so when you first turn it on, it defaults to the home screen with all the different channel apps and the last one watched is the one that is highlighted.  Went to turn on the news before work yesterday morning and saw that someone, not saying who, had been on HBO Go after I went to bed.

Arya takes out Qyburn and takes his face.  Leaving her room to approach Cercei

Jamie plans on killing Cercei, last minute, he can't do it, however, Arya comes from behind and stabs one through into the other.  Killing them both in an embrace.

The Hound and the Mountain duke it out, the Hound discovers he can generate a flame blade.  The Mountain freaks out.

Danny attacks from directly above, Scorpions don't have the arc to shoot straight up.

I like your first plot point, and I'm pretty sure your fourth is almost a given.  At least that's what the previews implied, with Euron and friends staring straight up at the clouds, seeing nothing, but hearing a dragon screech.  

There some leaked script bullets points out and if that’s the way the show ends then I think lots of people gonna be upset with this show...

There some leaked script bullets points out and if that’s the way the show ends then I think lots of people gonna be upset with this show...
Allegedly they also filmed multiple endings, so who knows.  

Hopefully George will get off his ass and finish the books.  I would defin read the last one if it ever comes out. supposedly he has rewritten it at least once?

I'm betting he waits to see how well the TV ending is received before he decides what he wants to do with the book.  He has zero incentive to hurry up and finish.

The Hound and the Mountain duke it out, the Hound discovers he can generate a flame blade.  The Mountain freaks out.
So what, now they're just going to start "borrowing" the plot from Frankenstein?

Hopefully George will get off his ass and finish the books.  I would defin read the last one if it ever comes out. supposedly he has rewritten it at least once?
No that he probably cares at this point, but I wonder if George has shot himself in the foot a bit by taking so long?  With HBO finishing the show before the books are done, I wonder if a lot of people won't bother getting the books if/when they come out because they already have an ending to the story?  Sure there are plenty who would buy more books, but most people today are too lazy for that if they can watch a TV show instead.

while their arms were entwined, why didn't Missandei hang onto Cercei and jump off of the wall?

There some leaked script bullets points out and if that’s the way the show ends then I think lots of people gonna be upset with this show...
That was a guarantee regardless of how the show ends.

Hopefully George will get off his ass and finish the books.  I would defin read the last one if it ever comes out. supposedly he has rewritten it at least once?
IIRC, he is constantly rewriting chapters, on his typewritier or other arcane word processor. He's pretty meticulous.

I sort of think that he's written himself into a corner with some of the plot twists in the books, and it's pretty difficult to get out of it credably. The show covers maybe a third of those plot points, and it's had to cut corners and rely on near dues-ex-machina to get out of those traps. 

while their arms were entwined, why didn't Missandei hang onto Cercei and jump off of the wall?
For the same reason that Dany didn't see the attack fleet at dragonstone, or attack it from behin, or Cersei didn't open fire on Dany and the negotiating party: the plot demanded it.

With HBO finishing the show before the books are done, I wonder if a lot of people won't bother getting the books if/when they come out because they already have an ending to the story? 
If I recall, in the book version, there is another person claiming to be Aegon Targaryen, which if Martin fleshes out as true, could totally reshape how the ending needs to go.  E.g., he would have a better claim to the throne than Dany, etc.  If Martin just wasted a bunch of time on it as a red herring, well then, meh.
