Edd saved him (the other guy from the Night's Watch) and was killed in return.I re-watched the trailer for next week and it does show 2 dragons, so if they can get healed up then maybe its not such a bad fight at kings landing- but I am assuming for the shows sake they will lose at least one more?
Also how did Sam survive? last I saw him he had several whites on top of him and Jon made the decision that he could offer help.
We finished watching with all the lights off, and my wife still said to me "I have no idea what just happened, I couldn't see a thing." I was not expecting to get Birdboxed by this episode.
I agree with RBHedge - that was a clear case of "this should have been the most epic battle scene ever, but we're out of money - lets Blair Witch the first half hour and then shut the lights off for the rest."
I also can't get past some of this:
1) We still don't know jack **** about the Night King or why he really wanted to kill Bran. Is there a reason other than "memories bad - kill"?
The books do explain more about the Night King, but they are also developing a whole other HBO series based on the prequel events...1) I would think that the books would explain this more. IF the books are ever written. The show didn't (or couldn't) expand upon that mythology so they had to default to the tired trope of "he's the embodiment of death"
Dany and Jon both let emotion get in the way (Jon with Rickon at the BOTB and Dany watching the Dothraki get slaughtered at the BOW) and they are lucky they survived.Dany is too stupid to be Queen of the 7 Kingdoms..."we're surrounded by the walking dead, but I'm just going to sit here on my dragon for a few minutes and pose".
This also contributes to the answer to #4 they sort of gave in the post show. Dany and Jon were supposed to wait for the Night King to show up and go after him, but she acted like a sissy girl when she saw the Dothraki getting their ***** handed to them, took off prematurely, and blew the whole plan out of the water.
Nymeria's Wolfpack and the Tully Army have not yet made an appearance, but the Riverlands are on the way King's Landing (the actor that plays Edmure Tully was supposedly contracted to to appear again this season). Remember the Tully Army just gave up without a fight at Riverrun, so they are somewhere in the Riverlands. The Tully Army, what is left of the Northern Forces, two dragons, and a Giant WolfPack could make a formidable army against the what is left of the Lannister forces and the Golden Company.Not sure how many are with Yara. Didn't Dany also leave behind some unsullied in Mereen to keep things in check?
Bronn is a pretty big wildcard. I think he may try to kill Jaimee/Tyrion if he thinks they don't have a chance in hell of beating Cersei/Golden Army.
The story as I remember it was that as men were infiltrating the north hundreds of years ago they were killing the "children of the north" who in turn created NK as a weapon to defend themselves. NK was tasked with eliminating the threat of mankind, but he was defeated (not killed) and the wall went up there was a bit of a balance. Men in the south, children in the north and NK went into hibernation (like Sauron from LotR, or Voldemort in Harry Potter: not dead but not really around either). Everyone knows they existed and were defeated a long time ago, but it's been so long that most of it has been lost to legend/myth. Now that the NK has awoken from his centuries-long nap, the children know that he is too powerful for anyone to stop which is why they help Bran. Bran becomes the 3-eyed raven and the keeper of world history (including mankind), so the NK wants to destroy him to fully take over the world.I read today something that said the NK wanted Bran dead because he is the secret to the past, evidence of mankind, and that once he gets rid of Bran and then kills off all of the living then there is no proof that mankind ever existed.
And then I also read that the NK and the 3 eyed raven are some of the oldest beings and that they have been feuding for millions of years, so maybe it as just a personal vendetta? Because apparently the 3 eyed raven killed off the previous leaders of the Long Night..
It's covered across multiple episodes and from when Bran first meets the previous 3-eyed raven north of the wall (end of Season 4) up to Hodor's end (Season 6, ep 5). I don't believe Bran is in Season 5 at all though and most of the history is in the first few episodes in Season 6.I feel there are 8 episodes or so I am going to have to go back and re- watch - is that the one where bran is at the tree (right before Benje rescue him?)
TPK? Someone else has played D&D, LOL1) I would think that the books would explain this more. IF the books are ever written. The show didn't (or couldn't) expand upon that mythology so they had to default to the tired trope of "he's the embodiment of death"
2) Lady Mormont (the little girl) went out in badass fashion. There was another 'B' character who died, but I can't remember his name (edit: Dolorous Edd )
3) Who's to say it wasn't near millions? The books certainly made it seems like he was dicking around for years north of the wall finding every dead body available.
4) Poetic license, narrative demanded it, it looked cool? I didn't get the strategy for this battle at all.
5) see #4
6) see #4
7) see #4, but that dragon was pretty jacked up, he was breathing cold-fire out of multiple places in his neck and face. Prolly couldn't get a coherent strong enough breath weapon to do serious damage. Plus the dragon spent spent a lot of time breathing on the great wall before it fell.
I'd sort of like to better understand the intended strategy here. Because it looks to me that it was all standard dramatic narrative driven: wipe out 98% of the humans, make it look like a TPK, have a few contrived rescues, then the outta-nowhere badass one shot skill to destroy all of the forces of evil. I expected better out of this show, and instead we got a contrived 1970s narrative and cinematography.
2nd Sons were left behind in Mereen to keep the peace while Dany took the Dothraki and Unsullied with her to war.Are the 2nd Sons still around? "The internets" are saying they are going to come back to help out?
Why should he? He gets more action than anyone else.Maybe Sam could do a few push ups or some core strengthening exercises before the next battle?
I could never tell if she has green eyes or not, good possibility though. Otherwise, it will inevitably be one of the three Lannisters.I predict Arya kills Dany. She will “shut” her green eyes like she shut the Ice Kong’s blue eyes.