We finished watching with all the lights off, and my wife still said to me "I have no idea what just happened, I couldn't see a thing." I was not expecting to get Birdboxed by this episode.
I agree with RBHedge - that was a clear case of "this should have been the most epic battle scene ever, but we're out of money - lets Blair Witch the first half hour and then shut the lights off for the rest."
I also can't get past some of this:
1) We still don't know jack **** about the Night King or why he really wanted to kill Bran. Is there a reason other than "memories bad - kill"?
2) After all that, the only apparent major deaths are Melisandre who's been MIA, Theon (which was totally dumb/pointless), and Jorah? I can barely categorize them as "major".
3) If the Night King could raise ANY dead as proven by the crypt scene, then why didn't he just do that and show up with millions instead of thousands?
4) If the plan was to use Bran to lure him out anyways, why did Jon/Dany just go play cloud chase the entire time instead of making strategic ground attacks that could have killed walkers by the thousands allowing for defenses/retreats as appropriate?
5) Where the f*ck did Jorah just pop up from out of the blue?
6) Where the f*ck did Arya just pop up from out of the blue? Did she sneak through the massive circle of walkers who were surrounding the tree?
7) How could the ice dragon topple the wall and obliterate Winterfell towers/walls at whim, but then Jon is safe when hiding behind a half wall of bricks?