RIP - VTEnviro
His Memory Eternal
Whatcha doing for Halloween this year? I need a wingman to pull of 2g1c. Otherwise I'll have to do 1guymudpie.^^^^ THAT IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatcha doing for Halloween this year? I need a wingman to pull of 2g1c. Otherwise I'll have to do 1guymudpie.^^^^ THAT IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm IN !!Whatcha doing for Halloween this year? I need a wingman to pull of 2g1c. Otherwise I'll have to do 1guymudpie.^^^^ THAT IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Geez, I'm almost embarrased to say that I know this, but based on the uniforms that scout troop is in Houston. I recognize the Sam Houston Area Council patch on the left shoulder of the woman on the right of the photo.I'm moving back to Atlanta so my kid can join that cub scout pack.
must not have the dogs with you at the time.Agreed! I like to feed the ducks at a lake near me, now I just want to hide under the bed.
You're right on. You'd be surprised, the female would make an excellent bird dog, but is freaked out by other people, dogs, and new situations. Yet she jumps off the top of this earthen dam we find along one of our regular trails, and will chase a ball into the dead of night at a strange campground full of Canadians.must not have the dogs with you at the time.Agreed! I like to feed the ducks at a lake near me, now I just want to hide under the bed.