Fortress (Zombie Game) - ROUND 2

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(badal holds 12ga waist high) Kerblam!!! Down goes a writhing envirotex.
Well, that was just rude. I shoot you back in self defense.
Knock it off, both of you. Just wait until your mother gets home....

BTW, badal is fed to the zombies.

In the case of the zombies vs Enviro, we the jury find the defendent (enviro) not guilty of murder in the 2nd degree. But we do find her guilty of neglegent manslaughter and is hereby sentenced to 1 day in timeout. You will not be allowed to shoot anyone tomorrow, but will get your shotgun back on Wednesday.

It's quiet in here...





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A'little TOO Quite!!!

Look out He's commin straight for us!!!!


|`\__,------,-------;;;;----- ---,___4

|_----\--+c)===/-;---;;----/ '""""""""' `````````````````````````MasterSlacker



Well, that didn't turn out right,

I shoot MS'ses zombie *****

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pbr, you need glasses bro 'cus you just shot your homeboy. Bad shot.

I hear the zombies really like pbr (especially in the south)...

Good shot EM

Sorry for the slow responses, got tied up with family stuff last night and couldn't post updates. Everyone should have received their responses by now. There was a ton of action yesterday, lets see how things go today...

Ok, executive decision to keep things fun/interesting

It really is a shame that EM managed to trip over one of the many shotguns strewn over the playing field and set it off with EG's chesticles being in the line of fire. EG, you've been killed and will return to the land of the living on Monday. (no one will get credit for the shot, for anyone tracking the "marksman" award)

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