This was my second time around and I will say.... Much more theory on this exam than the last. I spent an extra $1000 on reference materials this time around (ugh) and it saved me on more than a few questions that were theory based.
Two from OSHA, two from Construction Planning and Methods, two from SP-4, one from Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures and one from Minimum Building Loads (I think that's ASCE 7....). I hit the index of every reference I had and some of the questions did not have answers I could track down. At that point it's just a guess and hope for the best cause honestly, there's no formula to solve that stuff.
I studied my tail off this time around and worked all of the Goswami practice exams I could find and then all of the civil and construction exams I could get on amazon. Confidence is higher than the last go around, but for me... that's not saying much. If I manage to pass it will probably be by the skin of my teeth. And yes, good luck to us all!