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I think that scheduling C-sections have become more popular than inducing labor. The only reason my wife wants to be induced is because she wants to have the baby vaginally (I would have said naturally, but inducing labor is not "natural"), and she fears the longer she goes, the bigger the baby will get, then she will need a C-section.

Speaking of baby size, the OB told my wife that we can expect an 8-8 1/2 pounder! I would not vote to induce, except in the case that it puts either mother or baby in danger if you don't. The concern with my wife isfamily history. Both my FIL and MIL have high BP. When my MIL was pregnant with my wife, they told FIL 'The baby should be fine, but we are not sure about your wife'!

There seems to be a lot of push, (no pun intended) for inducing labor these days, when there was no complications for mom or baby. The last three or four friends/family to have babies were all induced. Why can't you just wait until the baby is ready? The due date is an approximation anyways. My cousin paid dearly for inducing...it didn't work. She was in labor for over 2 days! She had wanted like 4 to 6 kids...after this experience my new little cuz may be an only child.
Very true. Never mind the fact that by scheduling a C-Section, they retain control of the delivery time (and add an extra couple of thousand dollars to the procedure). That sucks and the Medical Accreditation Boards should keep an eye on that practice. When my wife had our boy, the doctor tried to get her to agree on a C-section. She said no and had vaginal delivery about 6 hours later. 4 of the girls that took the birth class with us (that used the same doctor) were ‘convinced’ to have c-sections, including an 18 year old girl with perfect health and another 20 year old girl that wanted to have a completely natural delivery- screwd thanks to the doctor! I almost sh** my pants I was so mad. She screwed the girls chance of normal delivery probably forever just so that the doctor did nto have to come to the hospital in the middle of the night. Wish I could put the name out there so people in the central coast stay away from her (it’s a female doctor)…

We are going for vaginal delivery as well...I can't say natural b/c the wife has already stated "I'm having an epidural!" The whole scheduling a C-section thing is creepy to me...that doctor should not be delivering! There are sooo many things that could go wrong with the C-section. It just opens up a whole can of worms.

We are still a year or so away from starting a family, but just the thought of sticking anything near my spine gives me the heeby jeebies. I'd rather be in pain.

She screwed the girls chance of normal delivery probably forever just so that the doctor did nto have to come to the hospital in the middle of the night.

my wife had an emergency C-section for our first child (he was coming butt first and she did not have "proven pelvis") and then had a normal vaginal delivery with our second 3 years later.

but don't get me started on her oby/gyn not checking her in the last visit to see if the baby was lined up correctly.

I was breech, and I had my arms over my head! My mom still had me naturally, but never should have. Anyway, we are being VERY careful about the position, just so we are prepared. All is where it should be (whew). Regarding the whole epidural thing, I was nervous about the spine as well. I learned in my class that it is extremely rare for the anesthesiologist to miss. Just for you, snickerd3, they also have narcotics! However, the narcotics actually get to the baby, where the epidural only numbs the mom from waiste down.

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The needle in the spine really isn't that big of a deal... of course, my hubby "interviewed" the anesthesiologist for about 15 minutes before he'd let the guy do his job... hehe

Later, hubby said that he spent the whole time checking his pupils and making sure his hands didn't shake!

I'm proud of my wife because she was so damn TOUGH during our son's delivery, which was all natural. She never once shouted or screamed or cried, although she did look at me towards the end and ask if I could please get the Doctor to giver the epdidural, to which the Dr. said "sorry, too late!" So she just toughed it out. :bowdown:

The needle in the spine really isn't that big of a deal... of course, my hubby "interviewed" the anesthesiologist for about 15 minutes before he'd let the guy do his job... hehe
Later, hubby said that he spent the whole time checking his pupils and making sure his hands didn't shake!
It's not the needle that wigs me out. For some unknown reason, I am ubber protective of my spine, doesn't matter if it is a needle or just a finger I start squirming.

It's not the needle that wigs me out. For some unknown reason, I am ubber protective of my spine, doesn't matter if it is a needle or just a finger I start squirming.
Did you break your back in a former life?

Never heard of it. Worth reading? Right now, I have one master, and that would be baby!

The wife talked to the OB yesterday, and the OB said that my wife's blood screen was fine, as far as BP goes. It seems to have leveled out, and is holding steady. I have been taken off high alert, but I am still being anxious every time my phone vibrates.

It's about past lives affecting abberant behavior in our present life. I did a past life regression once, it was a hoot!
Were you anyone famous? It seems like most people think they are, except my MIL, who is thoroughly convinced she was a collie in a former life. :screwloose:

The wife talked to the OB yesterday, and the OB said that my wife's blood screen was fine, as far as BP goes. It seems to have leveled out, and is holding steady. I have been taken off high alert, but I am still being anxious every time my phone vibrates.
I know the feeling... one morning I left for work and my wife said she was feeling a little sluggish and bloated... I asked her if she wanted me to stay home and she said she'd be fine. She had made an appointment for my oldest son to see a person to evaluate his speech that morning and wanted to make sure she did that. No kidding, 10AM, my cell phone rings... I see 'Home' in the caller ID, I pick up all nervous while starting to shut down my computer only to here 'Dadda work..." My son must have grabbed her phone and started dialing. I was half out the door by then too!

Instead, much like our first, my wife waited until 1:30AM to tell me it was time to go.

I did a past life regression once, it was a hoot!
Ummm ... you are not allowed to make a statement like that and not TELL!! I am pretty sure it is in the forum rules. :reading:

Start spillin' those beans past-life boy!!!



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