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Mrs Dex took care of her own factory. It wasn't that she didn't want more kids, she just never wanted to be pregnant again (both kids were very rough pregnancies).

We contemplated Mrs NJ closing up shopping because there was a possibility that she would have had to have a c section. Up until 2 weeks ago #3 was breached and would need to be delivered via c section. However the baby flipped around and now we are looking at a regular delivery. 3 is definitely enough for me.

#3 was doing flips in the womb. About two weeks before the due date he was breeched. We went in to get him flipped and he flipped himself head down the morning before the appointment and stayed that way.

My understanding is that my procedure is reversible if need be. Another reason for my decision.

My 2-yr-old only wants me to change his diaper. Mr. Tree lucked out on that one. I assume we'll be changing diapers for a solid decade. No factory shutdown is occurring here. These genes are too good to limit :)

#1 is out of daytime diapers (age 3.5) but still in nighttime pullups. Just recently stopped buying 5 gals of milk, as NJ Jr (#2) and #1 have stopped and reduced their milk consumptions. Diapers and milk have been the main source grocery shopping in the NJ house.

#1 is out of daytime diapers (age 3.5) but still in nighttime pullups. Just recently stopped buying 5 gals of milk, as NJ Jr (#2) and #1 have stopped and reduced their milk consumptions. Diapers and milk have been the main source grocery shopping in the NJ house.
Wait until they get older. My kids will tear through a gallon of milk in about 2 days now...

My two girls were potty trained before they were two. We were diaper free for a year but now with baby boy here i expect him to take longer to potty train. So another three years, ugh. I always wanted a large family but i realized children are expensive so I think we are calling it good with three.

#1 is out of daytime diapers (age 3.5) but still in nighttime pullups. Just recently stopped buying 5 gals of milk, as NJ Jr (#2) and #1 have stopped and reduced their milk consumptions. Diapers and milk have been the main source grocery shopping in the NJ house.
Wait until they get older. My kids will tear through a gallon of milk in about 2 days now...
It's ok. For now, it will be a nice cost offset with the additional diapers needed for #3.

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Cloth diapers all the way!!! Minisnick would rather drink water than milk at home...even buyign the small quarts we usually end up dumping some of it down the sink. He gets his milk intake at daycare.

that's true too. However, Mrs. NJ has also voiced a complete opposition towards using and washing them.
