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I don't have any real proof, but I have been told that black bear are more attracted to poopy diapers. That being said and living in the woods of Northern NJ where there is an abundance of bears, I choose not to toss those dirty diapers in the outside can until garbage day. For me, the diaper genie satisfies this condition.

Well, to be fair, the diaper genie cost us all of $25 buck almost 10 years ago, and it rarely gets used, we do the same as what you just mentioned, balled up and in the trash, trash gets taken out nightly, diaper genie just sits there and serves as a trash can so to speak in the kids actual room, and if we happen to be doing the changing there, then it gets used, but most often we're changing diapers in the play room.

We used a diaper genie. At one point, we had two of them in the house because both kids were still in diapers for a couple years. The only issue we had with them is that if you don't empty them and you try to push one more in, it will "smoosh" the bottom ones to the point they start leaking. Bleh.

We have a plastic can with a citrus disc in it. Our house smells like poop. Meh, you get used to it. The diapers get picked up once a week, and yes, the service costs as much as disposables, but I never have to worry about stopping by the store to get diapers.

So now with less than a month before #3's due date, I'm beginning to reflect on the last two and what's in store for us with #3. For the first two months solid, #1 would only sleep on us. So, we little to no sleep during this time. #2 had acid reflux, was a projectile puker, borderline colicky and would only fall sleep on long car rides. Thus far, all of my kids have been born early. #1 was four days early. #2 was seven days early. I can only hope that #3 follows the same trend because the due date is January 9th. If so maybe I can claim #3 for my 2013 taxes.

I've heard of several families scheduling their delivery to be induced a few days before New Years for the tax purposes alone...

I don't plan to do it that way, but I can't help but notice the trend of early babies in relation to the due date

Most doctors prefer to schedule an induction. That way they can maximize the amount of patients and still keep their Tee times...

it's funny. My wife has had the same doctor for all three kids now, and he has yet to deliver any of them. whether it be vacation, or no wheres to be found, we have had the same on-call doctor for the first two.

during #2, the anesthesiologist was late in arriving to the room. So he gave her the needle as she was pushing, essentially she gave birth naturally. However, she did feel the effects of the drugs about an hour later.

Most doctors prefer to schedule an induction. That way they can maximize the amount of patients and still keep their Tee times...

Sadly true. Well, Mrs. MS's doctor said that the due date is X, but if you'd like, we can induce a week early. :shakehead:

One of the few times I've ever seen her give anyone the "you cray cray" look.

The OBs and midwifes at my hospital make no promises about who will deliver a baby. Whomever is on call is who you get. Honestly, I really didn't care that the midwife on-call was someone I'd never met before. She was medically competent an that's all that mattered at that point.

Now here's what I'm a bit uneasy about:

1) The midwife I normally see took a job somewhere else, so now I have to find someone else in the practice. Kind of a bummer because I liked her.

2) The hospital is remodeling L&D when I'm due, so they are temporarily moving to ICU. ICU doesn't have showers or hydrotherapy tubs. If there are no showers, I'm going to want to go home right away. But, if my husband gives his stupid incompatible blood type to this baby like he did with Lil Sapling, I'll be stuck there for 48 hrs so they can monitor the baby's jaundice. They're going to have to figure out the shower thing.

^once you are done with L&D they will probably move you to a regular patient room to keep the ICU available.

Hydrotherapy tubs...our hospital had a communal shower/bathroom set up like a dorm fro the 70's. There was a toliet and sink in the inroom bathrooms. they have remodeled the shower room since then but it is still a shower room, no tubs in the patient rooms

At my last appointment, they said they didn't know the whole plan yet, just that they are taking over several ICU rooms, they don't know what to do about showers yet, and are working on a plan for hydrotherapy tubs because many women like them for pain management.

I live in GranolaVille, so the hospital offers water birth and has to cater to families who are considering homebirth as an option and don't want an epidural.
