Master slacker
Something awesome.
We didn't go to any classes except for the hospital's one-hour walkthrough and tour.
When the time came, my wife ended up having a C-section. My role was limited to sitting there for moral support and watching the operation. I would have been equally rpepared withouit any birthing classes.
The second one was a scheduled C-section. My expanded role was to get her to the hospital at the appointed time, then sit there for moral support and watch the procedure.
so how did things go?Just put the car seat in Mrs. Ble's car last night and we've got her bag packed for the hospital. Now all we have to do is wait until mini-ble2 is ready. She's 38 weeks pregnant today and we'll be going to the doctor this morning, so I'm interested to see how things are going.
baby watch 2011...lots of babies due within the next month