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The wife and I have our first ultrasound scheduled in about a month... definitely looking forward to that (even if she isn't, now that she knows about the full bladder aspect of it)....

Now that I am passed the first trimester I am ready to announce that the hubby and I are expecting our first baby.

Due Date is September 11!

Congrats Melanie. klk is pregnant too. Who else is knocked up or has knocked someone up?

Thankfully Mrs. Chucktown is not with child right now. Although she is really wanting baby #3. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I love my two little ones like crazy and life seems so perfect right now. Another baby sounds so exhausting to me.

A good friend of mine (neighbor from VT) is about 7 months pregnant. We're having them over for dinner next weekend, figuring they'll have a lot on their plate coming up and we won't see much of them for a bit.

Congrats!!! Ealry Sept = Virgo... The best sign to be an engineer.
I take it you are a sept baby too.
Yep, Sept. 6th

On a side note, my brother and SIL are expecting #3 in mid June(ish). They just found out yesterday they're having another girl (#1 = girl, #2 = boy). I already really feel bad for their son for being the middle child with both an older & younger sister. He is in for hell for the next 18+ years...

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Congrats Melanie & klk!

Best wishes to you and your spouses.

Congrats Melanie! How have you been feeling? I had lots of nausea from about week 7 through week 16, but it seems to have gone away.

I am almost at 14 weeks and I have been feeling pretty good. Only gotten sick twice starting at week 9. I am only get nausea if I let my stomach get too empty so Saltines have been my best friend!

The only complaint I have is how tired I have been. I am usually "go go go" and I just don't have it in me. But I know that's normal!

Are you finding out what you are having? We find out April 28!
