Hello all - I tried giving this its own thread, but I got an error message from the site, due to "spam or inappropriate content". Possibly new members with zero posts aren't allowed to start new threads? I’ll try to keep it to the point, I’ve already vented elsewhere...
I had a computer issue at my seismic exam at Prometric this morning, in Iowa. Everything went well with check-in, candidate confirmation and the tutorial.
Two of the first four problems had images that tried to load in a small pop-up window, but they timed out and would not even allow me to skip the question. The administrators tried putting me at three different computers, with the same result each time. The administrator called the Prometric helpdesk, who said “this is a known issue” and there was a workaround to try (from their end). The workaround didn’t work, and I was unable to complete the exam. I left the testing center not having taken the exam but with a “helpdesk ticket #” and I was told that Prometric would contact me about rescheduling.
My questions for this board - has anybody had this happen, or is this a “known issue”? I would think if that was the case, there would be other posts about it.
Taking the CA exams in Iowa is not very common, the Prometric folks told me I was the first one since their computers were “upgraded” last fall. I assume the testing centers and computer systems are the same in every state, but if this was a common issue in CA where many people are taking this exam, the “known issue” would be resolved or they would put a hold on scheduling the exam?
Another question, possibly for
@CAPLS - I will see if I can get any resolution with Prometric first, if I can get the Seismic exam rescheduled next week (and it works) I think I will be ok. I have the Surveying exam scheduled one month from today, and haven’t started preparing for it yet, but I will attempt to cram it in three weeks. After that there are only three days left in Q1, so I’m not sure what will happen… The tech support that the Prometric administrator had on speakerphone said “California knows about this issue” when I asked, but I’m not sure I believe that. What would be my best course of action if I need to contact the CA board? Would I contact the BPELSG evaluator at the email address listed for my last name, under Application Status? Should I be proactive with this now, or give it a day to see if there is a resolution with Prometric?
The exam/rescheduling fees are the least of my concerns, I can get that handled later. I just want to make sure I don’t get marked as a “no show” for failing to take the exams this quarter.
Thanks in advance for any help/insight anyone can provide.