EET WRE Couse with Dr. Nazrul Islam

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Mar 10, 2018
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Happy 2019 all and best of luck for those of you studying for the April PE exam! I recently passed the Civil/WRE exam and utilized EET's webinar course to prepare me for the exam. I'm 20 years removed from when I received my B.S. in civil engineering and took the EIT (FE) exam 10 years ago so I was hesitant on how to structure my study plan. Luckily, I found this forum and read through multiple positive reviews citing EET and specifically mentioning Dr. Islam. I decided to go with EET and it was the best investment I made toward passing the PE exam. Their webinar series and organized notes folders are second to none in my opinion. I took a milk crate of books to the exam, but primarily used EET's folders as reference material for o/a 80% of the material found on the exam.

I was also pleased by the amount of homework, practice exams and simulated exams EET offers as part of their package that were instrumental for the afternoon (WRE) focused section. Lastly and what impressed me the most was Dr. Islam's dedication at teaching and coaching you through your studies - he goes above and beyond - through email/phone/adding extra webinar sessions/simplifying complex topics/demonstrating a positive attitude to ensure you truly understand the concept being presented and the variations of these that you might experience during the exam.

Anyway, I am not a paid sponsor but wanted to share my positive experience with EET that resulted in a pass after my first attempt with the Civil/WRE exam last October as there might be someone like myself last year looking for a recommended study course. Historically, last October's WRE pass rate was the lowest in recent years....for me, Dr. Islam's in-depth course was the difference. Best of luck to all!

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Happy 2019 all and best of luck for those of you studying for the April PE exam! I recently passed the Civil/WRE exam and utilized EET's webinar course to prepare me for the exam. I'm 20 years removed from when I received my B.S. in civil engineering and took the EIT (FE) exam 10 years ago so I was hesitant on how to structure my study plan. Luckily, I found this forum and read through multiple positive reviews citing EET and specifically mentioning Dr. Islam. I decided to go with EET and it was the best investment I made toward passing the PE exam. Their webinar series and organized notes folders are second to none in my opinion. I took a milk crate of books to the exam, but primarily used EET's folders as reference material for o/a 80% of the material found on the exam.

I was also pleased by the amount of homework, practice exams and simulated exams EET offers as part of their package that were instrumental for the afternoon (WRE) focused section. Lastly and what impressed me the most was Dr. Islam's dedication at teaching and coaching you through your studies - he goes above and beyond - through email/phone/adding extra webinar sessions/simplifying complex topics/demonstrating a positive attitude to ensure you truly understand the concept being presented and the variations of these that you might experience during the exam.

Anyway, I am not a paid sponsor but wanted to share my positive experience with EET that resulted in a pass after my first attempt with the Civil/WRE exam last October as there might be someone like myself last year looking for a recommended study course. Historically, last October's WRE pass rate was the lowest in recent years....for me, Dr. Islam's in-depth course was the difference. Best of luck to all!
EET is awesome, for sure!  Thanks for the feedback Sebastian.  👍

I finally passed the WRE on my third attempt this April!!!.  Even though my equations were 22 years old, I felt that I could blow off the dust, dive right in and knock it out.  I took the failures pretty hard, so I completely understand the agony of defeat that is peppered throughout these postings!  By the second fail, I knew I had to change my strategy and landed, in the  EET live webinars of Dr. Nazrul Islam.  Wow!   Total game changer.  With his intense weekly reviews, timed tests, mounds of homework,  and the one-on-one mentoring he provided to me took me by surprise. I realized quickly, that I had a higher percent of passing this time.  I consider myself quite average in mental aptitude and following everything that Dr. Islam recommended, I had the sharpened tool set for this exam.  I'm so thankful for this, because otherwise I would have been, once again, shaking off the dark shadows of another failure.

It IS a lot of work, but I rolled up my sleeves and leaned into this.  I would highly recommend this WRE depth review course.   In looking back, I wish that fate had brought me to the doors of Dr. Islam sooner.

Yes EET is the one for me!!! kmum and Sebastian are very similar to my situation. 16 yrs since I graduated with my BSCE, did a few years of Engineering before I taught Math in HS and have been back in Engineering the last 3 years. A little scared pulling that trigger with the On-Demand EET depth soon so I can start early. Good luck all!!! 🤞

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You're on the right track, dsp002 and you'll  be glad you started now.  In looking back, if there was just one more thing I could have done, for the exam, is to bring a unit-conversion book with me.  Looking thru the other notes on this forum, I was happy with the recommendations of "Engineering Unit Conversions" - Michael LIndeburg.  I have this book now (tabbed to its core) and still find it useful.


check this study materials on Ebay:

Sebastian/Anyone Who is familiar with EET,

1.  I am curious which I should purchase?  The webinar, Seminar, Live-On Demand?  My second question is the website is not quite clear on if it provides .PDF study material in the form of homework, example, problems, quizzes, etc?  Are there solutions or do you just follow along with videos?  Will they mail you this reference material.  The website does not provide any information and my employer is interested in paying for this for me.  I am just trying to ensure I understand what is included with each course.  Their support team hasn't emailed me back and the number I've found on their website is a "Google Voice," number which was also concerning for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2.  When people mention the "CERM," what is the actual book title and author they are referring to?


The CERM is the Civil Engineering Reference Manual by Michael Lindeburg. It’s expensive and would borrow it from one of your co-workers instead on buying it....I think I opened it once during the exam and didn’t use it all preparing for the exam, it’s an enormous book which you have to have know/tab really well so you can dive into it to assist you in the exam. Some people make copies or download the CERM’s appendix and put it in a binder to save you time. Knowing what I know now after taking EET’s webinar series and utilizing their notes/’s all you’ll need...but I would borrow the CERM and bring it just in case for that WTF problem(s) that you’ll encounter.

I used the webinar because I liked to approach the topics at my own pace....all their options work well and you’ll receive same materials depending which route you go. Once you sign up with’ll receive a box mailed to you with a couple of binders for the AM and PM section...these notes are excellent...I can’t stress this enough...notes in these binders have evolved with changes in the exam and EET student feedback.....they’re super streamlined, thorough and if you study these well along with understanding the concepts, you should be good to go.

You’ll also have access to EET’s website which is also phenomenal....there you’ll find the webinar sessions walking you through the concepts and your binders along with a suite of quizzes, tests, exams, etc.....all these are PDFs that you can download/print to augment your existing binders. Dr. Islam will often add material, quizzes and other things to study and reference which you can also download as well.

if your employer is willing to pay for this course, you’re in luck as it should serve you very well as long as put in the time, understand the concepts and familiarize yourself extremely well with their notes/binders/exams. One item I really appreciated from EET is that they cover a concept with the many different variations that the questions will be asked during the exam.

Good luck!


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