EB Mafia

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Random thought, I wish there was an easier way to find the start of each round.  There was a lot of nonsense going on in here, with multiple mods, and I'd like to revisit from the start of each mod round.
that would be cool! like bookmarks or something

Random thought, I wish there was an easier way to find the start of each round.  There was a lot of nonsense going on in here, with multiple mods, and I'd like to revisit from the start of each mod round.
Yeah, def. One of the few things I liked about the tournament forum that @RBHeadge PE participated in were that 1) you could see when the round started, 2) you could see at the bottom of the page of the forum what the current votes were. Would be cool to get some of those features here also

that would be cool! like bookmarks or something
Not going to lie, I might ask @ChebyshevII PE to update the first thread with a couple of links.  I know I've linked to a couple of my different round due to sending out instructions.  Maybe we could start doing something like that?

Not going to lie, I might ask @ChebyshevII PE to update the first thread with a couple of links.  I know I've linked to a couple of my different round due to sending out instructions.  Maybe we could start doing something like that?
I'm willing to do that when I find some time. If someone wants to help by digging up some info for me, that would also be helpful. :)

I'm willing to do that when I find some time. If someone wants to help by digging up some info for me, that would also be helpful. :)
i just sent you a pm with a link to my most recent mod game. maybe everyone could do it for their mods (just search through your post activity to find it)

It might be best to break it up into smaller pieces. We're coming up on 20k posts on 800 pages. Maybe if a person looked through 50 pages at a time. Archived things like: link to starting post, game winner, and who had the special roles.

Maybe we just need a mafia only sub-forum so each round will have its own thread? Or is that making it too complicated? 
That would definitely make it more digestible and searchable. But I can also see it getting messy having a boatload of forums floating around. People might get lost in the past mafia multiverse. 
