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How about we are all test takers and the NCEES is trying to cancel each of our exams with extreme prejudice against electrical folks? 

too specific? Just me and @DuranDuran? eh....

Extra salty this morning.
Also, flashbacks to that person who got themselves DQ'd & barred from taking the exam for like 3yrs... 

Different theme idea. Everyone is trying to adopt a pet but keep getting eliminated by the overly onerous adoption process. #ArtImitatingLife
So I was really surprised at the process when we got Moo. We'd been to like 4 or 5 shelters by the time we went to where she was and I had also applied with a rescue (literally as we were waiting in the shelter). And I'd also previously looked at adopting from a cat-only shelter. 

And they let us leave with her. Like I swiped my card for the fee and after I had done that, the person asked if we owned or rented. And nothing else. We had been at another shelter earlier that day and the shelter worker was like "yeah, you won't leave with him today. We have to go through your application and references, it'd be next weekend before you could take him home". And then you know 6 hours later, another shelter let us leave with a dog... It was alarming at how relaxed they were... 

The rescue I applied with wanted a home visit and interviews with us for us to even be approved for any of their dogs (and probably potentially additional steps for certain pups). 

So I was really surprised at the process when we got Moo. We'd been to like 4 or 5 shelters by the time we went to where she was and I had also applied with a rescue (literally as we were waiting in the shelter). And I'd also previously looked at adopting from a cat-only shelter. 

And they let us leave with her. Like I swiped my card for the fee and after I had done that, the person asked if we owned or rented. And nothing else. We had been at another shelter earlier that day and the shelter worker was like "yeah, you won't leave with him today. We have to go through your application and references, it'd be next weekend before you could take him home". And then you know 6 hours later, another shelter let us leave with a dog... It was alarming at how relaxed they were... 

The rescue I applied with wanted a home visit and interviews with us for us to even be approved for any of their dogs (and probably potentially additional steps for certain pups). 
Yeah, municipal shelter (e.g. SPCA) are usually very easy. Fill out a form (probably 1 page), pay a little money, and leave with the pet that day. They pretty much only care about keeping stray animals off the street. Private and volunteer shelters are usually much more complex. They want to make sure you're providing a good home. It took us like 3-4 weeks to adopt Walter. We had to:

  1. Fill out an application. And the application was probably 5-6 pages. It asked about our family, personal life, living situation, finances, our expectations on pet costs, our beliefs on cosmetic pet surgeries (clipping ears, cutting tails off, declawing, etc), made sure we understood things like heartworms, littermate syndrome, etc.
  2. Pay an application fee and wait for someone to review the application.
  3. Have a home visit to make sure we had a good home that was properly setup for a pet and interview the entire family. Because of COVID home visits are being done virtually. But if it was non-COVID time, someone would have come to hour house and inspected everything.
  4. Pay an adoption fee of hundreds of dollars.
  5. Finally pick the puppy from his foster home.
Since the entire operation is run by volunteers, not full time staff, none of those step were quick.

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I'm all licensed and stuff, but will probably never stamp anything. Feels like a waste when some many people actually need a license.

It took a long time since I was using DocuSign and had to open up every file individually. Like I could have 12 open at a time but I couldn't batch open. I don't look forward to my next set of sealing. 

Yeah, municipal shelter (e.g. SPCA) are usually very easy. Fill out a form (probably 1 page), pay a little money, and leave with the pet that day. They pretty much only care about keeping stray animals off the street. Private and volunteer shelters are usually much more complex. They want to make sure you're providing a good home. It took us like 3-4 weeks to adopt Walter. We had to:

  1. Fill out an application. And the application was probably 5-6 pages. It asked about our family, personal life, living situation, finances, our expectations on pet costs, our beliefs on cosmetic pet surgeries (clipping ears, cutting tails off, declawing, etc), made sure we understood things like heartworms, littermate syndrome, etc.
  2. Pay an application fee and wait for someone to review the application.
  3. Have a home visit to make sure we had a good home that was properly setup for a pet and interview the entire family. Because of COVID home visits are being done virtually. But if it was non-COVID time, someone would have come to hour house and inspected everything.
  4. Pay an adoption fee of hundreds of dollars.
  5. Finally pick the puppy from his foster home.
Since the entire operation is run by volunteers, not full time staff, none of those step were quick.
I'm not sure if ours is considered a municipal shelter or not. They have a number of paid positions and a whole network of bringing animals from the south (Moo was transported from GA About a week before we got her. A large number of shelters in Maine have partners in GA, FL, TN, TX, Puerto Rico to transport animals here). 

Honestly, I think it was because the shelter was under construction and the folks were stressed. So it was like "here ya go!"

Our adoption fee for Moo was 400$ since she was a 6mo puppy when we got her 
