EB Mafia

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Okay, with things on the site working then not-working, and me being overly cautious, I am officially postponing the game to start Wednesday morning.  Roles will be sent out Tuesday evening.


@ChebyshevII PE@MadamPirate PE@NikR_PE@txjennah PE@DuranDuran@tj_PE@jean15paul_PE@Dothracki@squaretaper LIT AF PE@RBHeadge PE@Roarbark@Audi driver, P.E.@SaltySteve, and @LyceeFruit PE

( @Audi driver, P.E., I hate this new format as well.  And if I hate it, and you hate it, that means you're playing)

Okay, with things on the site working then not-working, and me being overly cautious, I am officially postponing the game to start Wednesday morning.  Roles will be sent out Tuesday evening.


@ChebyshevII PE@MadamPirate PE@NikR_PE@txjennah PE@DuranDuran@tj_PE@jean15paul_PE@Dothracki@squaretaper LIT AF PE@RBHeadge PE@Roarbark@Audi driver, P.E.@SaltySteve, and @LyceeFruit PE

( @Audi driver, P.E., I hate this new format as well.  And if I hate it, and you hate it, that means you're playing)
I can't play. I'm moderating.

Behold the weird little puppy peet

View attachment 18476
Ees webbed? Aquadog, is that you?

Why does the site look so modern. The notification bell wasn't red anymore. I'm having a minor existential crisis. 

Edit: Whoooah, it hides the quoted picture. That's an improvement actually. But it took me SEVERAL SECONDS to find where they moved the Edit Post option. Dislike.

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Ees webbed? Aquadog, is that you?

Why does the site look so modern. The notification bell wasn't red anymore. I'm having a minor existential crisis. 

Edit: Whoooah, it hides the quoted picture. That's an improvement actually. But it took me SEVERAL SECONDS to find where they moved the Edit Post option. Dislike.
She is learning the ways of the kiddie pool! She might be Aquadog lol

The notifications being green is no bueno. I'm wondering how the visually impaired/color blind are taking the changes. 

How about we are all test takers and the NCEES is trying to cancel each of our exams with extreme prejudice against electrical folks? 

too specific? Just me and @DuranDuran? eh....

Extra salty this morning.
Isn't @squaretaper LIT AF PE taking the electrical too?

Don't electrical people get immunity on Day 1?  
