EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Oh yeah, Mafia! Hello everyone!

I resent that you have time to come claim to not be mafia every game, but not actually play :( . I hope you have more time soon.

I wonder what @JayKay PE and @Audi driver, P.E. Playing at the same time does for game theory/victory odds of the different factions. Ya know, since they're mortal enemies.

Oh yeah, Mafia! Hello everyone!

I resent that you have time to come claim to not be mafia every game, but not actually play :( . I hope you have more time soon.
I do too. I have a lot of shitshowness going on at work and in personal life right now, and I take the responsibility of winning at mafia for my fellow townies too seriously sometimes. I'm resetting pretty much everywhere. 

and in honor of opening day tomorrow:

