EB Mafia

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Seems like this thread has been hijacked by electrical talk
“Hijacked” implies ownership. Since I’m the creator of this thread (and therefore the “owner”, as it were), and since my discipline is electrical, I see no problem.

Now if we had a bunch of mech talk, that would be something else entirely... ;)

“Hijacked” implies ownership. Since I’m the creator of this thread (and therefore the “owner”, as it were), and since my discipline is electrical, I see no problem.

Now if we had a bunch of mech talk, that would be something else entirely... ;)
F(t) = m*x'' + c*x' + k*x

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O hai. It’s my alter ego. I’ll play, and if I’m playing that means @Audi driver, P.E. will play. 

totes mag goats. 

Also, depending on my work load in the next week or two, I might be able to mod again. Not sure if anyone is up for deranged jk story-telling again?
I will play because JK. But also only if it's just a regular game.

wait.  if Duran is in, I'm out

(jk, jk, i kid, i kid...or do i?)
If you're out, or kidding, I'm out.
This is turning into a weird Schrodinger's mafia.  Or is it a Catch-22 mafia?

I'm in because you're in, but you're in because I'm in.

God I hope we're mafia so we can bungle this shit up.  😎🤠

God I hope we're mafia so we can bungle this shit up.  😎🤠
