EB Mafia

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@RBHeadge PE can you reveal your hypothesis that led to me being outed?

I will say that it relied only on the sequence of the first day's vote and the subsequent nightkill. 

Further, one could deduce everyone's alignment based only on voting behavior on day 1 and 4.

If the cop is still around, I would investigate @ryankon518. If nothing turns up, @txjennah PE would be next on my suspect list.
If I was mafia, why would I vote to lynch @jean15paul_PE
FWIW, your vote for @jean15paul_PE alone could not used to prove your town alignment. It was not an inherently "consequential" vote at the time. This was the sequence:

vote update:

2 x @jean15paul_PE (nik, duran)

1 x @txjennah PE (chart)

1 x @ryankon518 (jp)
vote update:

3 x @jean15paul_PE (nik, duran, ryan)

1 x @txjennah PE (chart)

1 x @ryankon518 (jp)
Your vote wasn't a tie-breaker or tie-maker-leading-to-a-winning-vote, so in a vacuum your alignment can't be derived. It could be interpreted as only retaliatory or piling on.  It was however a vote that got a mafiosa to the 50% mark, so it lightly implies townie alignment.

Your alignment, and @chart94's, were ultimately inferred via POE based on other things that happened during that day's vote. Namely:

vote update:

2 x @jean15paul_PE (nik, duran)

1 x @txjennah PE (chart)

1 x @DuranDuran (jp)
@DuranDuran and @RBHeadge PE voted out the only mafia we lynched. So It is highly suspish why you would vote for duran
hm... apparently I missed that. But you're right, great point... 🤔
I probably need to make a spreadsheet because I haven't been tracking the votes. Gotta make time.

@MadamPirate PE I'll change my vote to @ryankon518
vote update:

2 x @jean15paul_PE (nik, duran)

1 x @txjennah PE (chart)

1 x @ryankon518 (jp)
@jean15paul_PE was called out for voting for a obvious-townie. So he had to change his vote to save face. He could have tied up the vote by voting for @txjennah PE but he didn't. Instead he voted for @ryankon518. Why? He can't vote for @DuranDuran or @NikR_PE because they're townies-in-deed. That left @chart94, @ryankon518, or @txjennah PE - one of whom was a mafia teammate. By not voting for @txjennah PE it strongly implies that he is protecting her and avoiding a path that guarantees a mafia lynch.

Aside 1: Strategically I don't agree with the move. (1) It betrays @txjennah PE's alignment, and (2) had he voted for @txjennah PE, it would have given her an excuse to vote for him and if done quickly enough, it could look like a critical vote and be spun as proof of her townieness - something that would have benefited the mafia in the long game; it would not have proven her towniess though. Sure the mafia loses the day, but they can still win overall. However in hindsight,  you would have voted immediately thereafter for @jean15paul_PE, and in a non-retaliatory way. It would have proven your townieness. Since in this scenario, where the lynch vote was a potential game-winner for the mafia, it would not have served a non-targeted mafiosa well to vote out one of their own.

The sequence continues that @jean15paul_PE cast's a vote for @ryankon518. In a vacuum it could be interpreted as a diversion. His meaningless vote for @ryankon518 is a way of protecting a fellow mafia. And indeed @NikR_PE interpreted it that way. I don't fault him for that view. But when combined with @jean15paul_PE not making the more strategic vote above, it actually clears @ryankon518 of being mafia. All this strongly implies @txjennah PE is mafia.

Aside 2: If @jean15paul_PE voted for @chart94 it could have been viewed as further protection of @txjennah PE. But it could have also been used as a set-up for @ryankon518 since his alignment at the time was ambiguous. In retrospect it wouldn't have worked anyway.

@DuranDuran's suggestion to investigate @ryankon518 or @txjennah PE is really just "putting a bow on it", it wasn't needed, but it could have been useful to avoid the late game second guessing.

FWIW, my updated ratings post Day 4 vote would have looked like:


@NikR_PE, @DuranDuran






@txjennah PE
