EB Mafia

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Sad that no one called me on my math.
As an engineer, looks fine.

@RBHeadge PE


This thread is 65% us playing mafia. and 42% random chat among online friends.


Sad that no one called me on my math.

What's wrong with it?
As an engineer, looks fine.
Well, there COULD be some overlap in the two stats, they don't have to be  mutually exclusive.  

I forget who I'm talking to. 

❤️ engineers 😁

I'm curious as to whether you'd be able to comment as a non-engineer.
Commenting as a woman, you're doing it wrong, you need to get a promotion, you don't make enough money, and your kids hate you even though you've provided for them 18+ years...?

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“Hijacked” implies ownership. Since I’m the creator of this thread (and therefore the “owner”, as it were), and since my discipline is electrical, I see no problem.

Now if we had a bunch of mech talk, that would be something else entirely... ;)


Sad that no one called me on my math.
I was going to comment this was why Audi didn't like it, and trying to come up with a clever response, but I got distracted lol

This is turning into a weird Schrodinger's mafia.  Or is it a Catch-22 mafia?

I'm in because you're in, but you're in because I'm in.

God I hope we're mafia so we can bungle this shit up.  😎🤠
I'm in 107%
