EB Mafia

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Me too except I need to figure out which one is mafia... where is @NikR_PE in all of this?

Dude, i have been after jp. There was no need for me to vote him out if I am mafia.

But @jean15paul_PE voting for you yesterday seemed like a vote to divert attention away from you. So @MadamPirate PE, i vote for @ryankon518

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o hai. I lost my phone traveling and my dad didn’t want to get a replacement since we traveled upstate for a couple days. What hijinks did I miss?
Nothing much. Just @RBHeadge PE leading the whole town to murder you. 😛 
You know what? Not out of character. I hope it helped find some mafia. 
Yeah, sorry about that @JayKay PE. I hypothesized that you, @jean15paul_PE, or both we're mafia. The evidence was stronger for you. Oops. We got @jean15paul_PE the next evening.

I've been looking over the transcript several times today and can't really find anything dramatically telling. I have a feeling it is either @txjennah PE or @chart94 but how do you sort out the liar? (Rhetorical question). I have noticed that @RBHeadge PE was right on 2 out of 3 of his mafia picks and he believed that @chart94 was definitely not mafia. Rather than leave it to a chance elimination, I would rather take a slightly educated guess and have a higher change of choosing the last mafia member. Plus @Audi driver, P.E. has also voted for this person, maybe just for fun, but maybe an outsider opinion.

@MadamPirate PE I vote to lynch @txjennah PE

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