EB Mafia

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And finally, an actual game post, since that's probably what the post minimum INTENDS in the tournament rules, not people talking about goat cheese for 5 posts a day 😛. Who knows though, it could be a new meta strategy. @RBHeadge PE try the goat cheese smear campaign and, let us know if it works out. 

I basically never vote on the first day, only if I'm about to die and have to save myself. I know absolutely nothing, so I don't like sentencing someone to death. (5/5)
Yeah, rough start here... 
Goat Cheese Smear Campaign...new band name?

I also will totally substitute goat cheese in salads and stuff, when i see it present elsewhere on the menu. I usually get met with confusion but ultimately win the battle :D  

Aw, don't you want to hang out with us?

They taste mildly sweet to me if raw (could see the dirt taste here), and sweetness comes out if steamed. I used to cut them up and put them on salads for the color pop, and HEALTH. Plus there's striped candy cane beets, so beautiful. 

I love the striped beets. And golden beets.

And beats. 


And finally, an actual game post, since that's probably what the post minimum INTENDS in the tournament rules, not people talking about goat cheese for 5 posts a day 😛. Who knows though, it could be a new meta strategy. @RBHeadge PE try the goat cheese smear campaign and, let us know if it works out. 


Randomizer results ala Google: 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2.  Tie

Tie breaker: 1

Winner = Number 1 = Death to Lycee


The HOA rules seem to be getting stricter.  With bodies piling up, slowly but steadily, house prices are soon to begin dropping.  And then who knows?  Would people then feel like they could paint their house whatever color they want?  Obviously, the accusations start flying faster and harder than baseballs at a junior baseball game.  The homeowners are firmly divided between @LyceeFruit PE and @chart94, but the scales finally tip when the most horrendous offence comes to light: @LyceeFruit PE was a renter and didn't even HAVE a mortgage.  Did they even deserve the laminated tag that hung off their rear-view mirror?

Obviously, @LyceeFruit PE was killed with extreme prejudice. The newly purchased wood chipper used for landscaping seemed to be the perfect vehicle to dispose of the disgusting...renter.  As their body was spread across the carefully cultured tulips, everyone knew bodies made the best compost, a set of mangled brass knuckles were pried from the blades of the blessed chipper.

Everyone began to cheer, obviously they had disposed off one of the mafia members and they could resume paying their monthly HOA fees to get the pool skimmed.  Making their way over, everyone's cheered abruptly turned into groans of first-world discomfort:  There, floating in the clear waters, was a large bear.  Seems like @blybrook PE was forced to go swimming with the fishes.  Which meant that nobody could use the pool for at least a week, which was miserable.

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran@txjennah PE@tj_PE@MadamPirate PE@squaretaper LIT AF PE@SaltySteve@Roarbark@chart94, and @vhab49_PE
