EB Mafia

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*jaykay response to salty voting for me and others backing up my totally not mafia role*


@Roarbark as an alternate? He's always so quiet, but I know he know what he's doing.
I have no idea what I'm doing, and have killed many an innocent townsperson.

(I don't think I have the time/will/energy to rep us, since I would spend way more time than I should on it 😛). My work is def less important than RB's right now, but I also don't want to get fired quiiiiite yet. Is the same round still going? Dang, I thought it was going over the weekend!

Some good news spreads through
this town terrorized by the
unknown mafia.

Or are they unknown?
Whispers quietly passed down
like a contagion.

These eyes are bloodshot,
heavy, and red due to the
stress and lack of rest;

Begin to focus
on a single person who
has something to hide.

“Squaretaper why are 
you lit AF in such an
ill situation?”

(Squaretaper is known 
for drinking, fights, and rough sex,
therefore the nickname.)

"You seem to engage
in mafia-like hobbies,
evil attributes."

"Under our noses,
you've been hiding the whole time.
Off to the gallows!"

"Snap-ity snap crack"
went the audible break in
Square's cervical spine.

( @squaretaper LIT AF PE was killed by the town. He was mafia.

The remaining players are: @blybrook PE @DuranDuran @JayKay PE @MadamPirate PE @SaltySteve @txjennah PE )
