EB Mafia

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Another deadly
action by the mafia
has the town fearful.

The evil unknown
they turn on one another,
nothing but guesses.

Townies take chart’s life.
Misdirected energy,
he is innocent.

The sun again sets
tense spirits and bad omens.
“What will this night bring?”

Mass insomnia
and vivid horrible dreams,
the weary can’t rest.

“Now this is our chance!
We almost control the town.”
Mafia plotting.

Sneakily creeping,
evil moves in darkness
stalking unknown prey.

Into the town square
and up to the home of bly,
ready for murder.

“Hey, who goes there!!!”
A voice from across the square
Scares off the killers.

It just so happens
the insomniac doctor
was watching bly's house.

Some good news...

( @blybrook PE was targeted by the mafia but was saved by the doctor.

The remaining players are: @blybrook PE @DuranDuran @JayKay PE @MadamPirate PE @SaltySteve @squaretaper LIT AF PE @txjennah PE )

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I called out of work sick Friday so I didn't get a chance to check back in on the game until now. 

My working theory at the moment is that @RBHeadge PE, @JayKay PE, and @DuranDuran are mafia. Too much organization from the get go. JK pointing at RB and Duran. Duran pointing at RB and JK. If I get night killed for making this public then so be it.

@jean15paul_PE I'd like to vote for @JayKay PE

I'm not surprised that the two of you are going to gang up and try to run the train on me.

Either of you have a more reasonable theory or are we just going to vote for me in retaliation?
No one has voted for you until this morning. 

That's good enough for me.

State your confession now and we'll grant you...an easy death, like a train.

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Just wanted to mention - the deadline for selecting a rep if you'd like to participate is May 1, though a bit earlier would be preferred for scheduling logistics! That said, if you need a bit more time, that could be extended a bit. I'd love to see someone from here participate; definitely let me know if you have any questions!
I'd like to volunteer @RBHeadge PE as tribute!
I don't know if anyone is interested, but in my opinion the obvious selection is @RBHeadge PE. RB you have to best grasp of strategy, game theory, and  scenario planning of all of us.
Thanks! What am I'm volunteering for?

...scrolls up...

Tbh, @RBHeadge PE would be the obvious choice, but I have like 90% certainty that they're totally swamped and it's prob not feasible to ask them to take this one as well...
I am truly humbled by your nominations. I doubt that I'm the best player on the forum... I'm usually dead by day 3.

@JayKay PE is correct, I am overworked right now. And trust me when I say that you don't want me to screw up or slack off at work right now. This tourney looks like a big time sink, though I can probably make it work if I'm in one of the later qualifying rounds.

I'm willing to do it but I will happily step aside if there are other suggestions? Is there anyone else who would like to represent EB.com? At the least we need to have an alternate.

Thanks! What am I'm volunteering for?

...scrolls up...

I am truly humbled by your nominations. I doubt that I'm the best player on the forum... I'm usually dead by day 3.

@JayKay PE is correct, I am overworked right now. And trust me when I say that you don't want me to screw up or slack off at work right now. This tourney looks like a big time sink, though I can probably make it work if I'm in one of the later qualifying rounds.

I'm willing to do it but I will happily step aside if there are other suggestions? Is there anyone else who would like to represent EB.com? At the least we need to have an alternate.
You're usually dead by day 3 because everyone knows you're the best player. And even after you're dead, the game often turns based on your advice/strategy.

That being said, I get it. Work comes first.

@Roarbark as an alternate? He's always so quiet, but I know he know what he's doing.
