EB Mafia

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@squaretaper LIT AF PE ahahaha the caption on your profile! untz unce untz unce
This is where I got it, an oldie but goodie:


The town's anger boils,

"We must find the mafia!"

"Let's plan our next move."

Accusations fly.

No one can trust the other.

Suspicion abounds.

Allegations made

then retracted. “Did no one

Witness this offense?!?”

“But where is the cop?”

“Someone must investigate!”

Curious silence.

Cheby’s children wail,

haunted by a pain intense.

Roarbark comforts them.


the mob’s hateful stare lands on

slippery RB.

Superfluous eye

staring off in the distance

won’t make eye contact.

Three eyes not trusted.

“Where were you last night RB?”

“Plus you are a fish!”

“You can’t judge me for..”

Before RB can finish

sharp knife to the gills.

As fishy body

releases its blood and life,

it spits out Cheb’s key.

The murderer found.

Townies exhale with relief.

They pray it’s over.

It’s not...

( @RBHeadge PE was killed by the town. He was mafia. 

The remaining players are: @blybrook PE @chart94 @DuranDuran @JayKay PE @MadamPirate PE @Roarbark @SaltySteve @squaretaper LIT AF PE @txjennah PE )

Late time

Sorry, distracted by family and NFL draft.

Results incoming

it's been all chaulk so far. Well except for the Giants picking the 4th ranked OT.  
yeah mostly distracted by family. My son (8th grade) is selecting his classes for his first year of highschool. It turned into a thing because he's classified as gifted and has taken gifted classes up until now. But was wanting to quit gifted classes in high school. (Just wants to be with his friends and doesn't want to do the extra work.)
