A PPE-covered body leaned heavily on their shopping cart which was filled with, sensibly, toilet paper, lysol wipes, and many bottles of Merlot. "I don't feel so good..." It groaned, pulling their mask down so they could touch ALL of their face. Multiple times. With their gloved encased hands. Which had been touching multiple surfaces.
"Is it the weiser? If you got it, don't come near me!" A nearby body, outside the 6-feet social distancing, shifted their cart over in alarm. Together, both women (potentially? Protective equipment made it hard to tell...) were taking up the entire aisle, not letting anyone pass in either direction. 6-feet never seemed so expansive even in Wal-Mart, where aisles were made larger for the motorized scooters.
"I haven't left this store for over 3-days! The only way I could have been exposed is if someone brought it in, and you know they're using the super effective questioning at the door to see if people have symptoms! You know nobody would lie about symptoms!"
"Karen, what did you do? What could have caused such a horrible reaction." An awkward pause. "It a good thing you have those depends, but what if you didn't? Who can we blame?"
"I had those kabobs someone was handing out as free samples near the video game section."
"I totally understand. Something free is something for me, even in these trying times." A tyvek covered head bobbed in response. "We should talk to a manger, though. Obviously someone is causing us undue distress!"
"I know, those bare necessity kabobs weren't bare of anything! I think they had artificial flavoring or something, because they were ultra gamey!"
A shudder of PPE-clad shoulders, "Ew."
@blybrook PE was slaughtered (and cooked?) by the Wal-Mart mafia last night.
The remaining players are:
@ChebyshevII PE,
@LyceeFruit PE,
@MadamPirate PE,
@SaltySteve, and