EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek what do people know cause i know nothing?!!??

Doing surgery on my ear tonight (swapping CBR for basic studs due to migration); I'll call the vote at 9pm but not sure when I can post the story since I'll be fucking up my only nice feature.

10 minutes left.

One earring has been swapped out for barbell.  Other I'm still fucking with.  Going to leave it alone for a few minutes so it stops being angry.  Still deciding if I want to swap out the other side as well.  I hate CBR.

Vote update (still):

x4 @MEtoEE (salty, chebs, jean, roar)

x3 @SaltySteve (me2, lycee, vhab)
