EB Mafia

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So @RBHeadge PE, can I ask what you knew when you messaged me? Were you really suspicious of @MEtoEE? I couldn't figure out if you were genuine or if that was some kind of test.

I'm guessing it was a test, since it sounds like you had already made contact with ME2EE

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I should have lynched @MEtoEE and left @JayKay PE alive. I might have been able to better play that situation

I was wondering why I wasnt lynched earlier.
@MEtoEE, If I recall correctly, you had previously voted for @Audi driver, P.E., and he had previous voted for you. It seemed like there was already some distrust there, so we decided to keep you alive. Also @RBHeadge PE made it sound like he didn't trust you either in a PM, so we didn't think you had people's trust. (But that was probably a lie.)

@JayKay PE seemed like everyone trusted her.

Final votes captured.  If you are going to not participate with a no vote, I am going to vote for you (unless I have other intel obviously-- like I suspected JK of being a townie with her vote for Nik in round 1). It's been a good game plan for avoiding attention, thus far, so there is that motive, plus if you don't want to participate, you may as well be voted out.


How can you save someone who didn't need saving..... SUSPISH
@MEtoEE cast the decisive vote that evening, which implies he was townie.

Its just the timing of your vote change.  You probably investigated me.
He voted for me first. After his investigation cleared me, he changed his vote.

Actually, no. I investigated @RBHeadge PE first, and confirmed he was a regular. We both speculated you for no other reason than having a hunch.
hunch = arse-pull

I should have lynched @MEtoEE and left @JayKay PE alive. I might have been able to better play that situation
It wouldn't have mattered given the sequence of the votes last night. I looked at it from a few angles and there wasn't any credible scenario where you weren't the remaining mafiosa.

When did this happen?  After I voted for RB I'm assuming?
No he cleared me on the first day.

So @RBHeadge PE, can I ask what you knew when you messaged me? Were you really suspicious of @MEtoEE? I couldn't figure out if you were genuine or if that was some kind of test.

I'm guessing it was a test, since it sounds like you had already made contact with ME2EE
Yes to both. At the time I sent the follow up message, there was a lot of circumstantial evidence against @MEtoEE. But I also wanted to see how you used it, which points to if you are mafia or town.

I felt like TJ and RB were pressing me for ideas/info.  I started scrutinizing their wording and simply let paranoia take over.
We were CLEARING you!

I think Jean has elevated himself to one of the most dangerous players in the game.  He is HARD to read lol.  He almost had me.
@jean15paul_PE more than anyone else in the game plays every round the exact same way. The most dangerous part of his playstyle, is how he is ALWAYS playing devil's advocate for everything, even against his own thesis.

Epic game guys. @LyceeFruit PE Good job :) , thanks for the time and storytelling.

I think Jean has elevated himself to one of the most dangerous players in the game.  He is HARD to read lol.  He almost had me.
I put him on my list of scary folk after his first game participating. He knows why. 😒

It wouldn't have mattered given the sequence of the votes last night. I looked at it from a few angles and there wasn't any credible scenario where you weren't the remaining mafiosa.
This just goes to show that Arbys dude is VERY good at this game, if he was able to figure out somehow that I wasn't mafia

@MEtoEE i made sure i reiterated that i wasn't PRESSING you for information just trying to form a damn alliance JEEZ

idk that i'll ever recover from your hatred lolol
