EB Mafia

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Plot twist. There is no mafia and @ChebyshevII PE is reporting just Covid-19 deaths each morning.

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Apparently the mafia killed off all the actively playing participants. Of course, the townies didn't help much in that regard.  Some folks sure have been quiet and that strategy seems to be paying off.
I agree.  @ChebyshevII PE I vote for @Roarbark.  He's been way too quiet this round.

@chart94 Can take my place if he wants, since I've done literally nothing this game so far. Been too engrossed by reading coronavirus news, developing hypochondriac symptoms, and failing to work from home. 

@MEtoEE Fair enough, but despite my silence I'm not mafia.

Plot twist. There is no mafia and @ChebyshevII PE is reporting just Covid-19 deaths each morning.
Shouldn't overnight deaths be growing exponentially then?

I'm so confused, did I just miss an entire day? I didn't notice when TJ and Salty died. What day is it?
Day 1 Square, Night 1 Audi Target (Saved)
The Day Roarbark was asleep (Steve/TJ)
Day 2 3 Lycee, Night 2 3 Audi Target (Killed)

Okay. I just put pieces together... 
Uhhh, K. @ChebyshevII PE I vote for @RBHeadge PE

Yeah...I may look (and maybe act) relaxed, but TBH, I'm actually a little nervous. Things just keep getting worse by the day.
Same here, Carlos. 
Interestingly (worringly), Italy's daily new case # is still rising, even with the quarantine/lockdown measures they've put in place. South Korea and China have both managed to get a handle on things, with a mix of draconian quarantine, and highly organized/well deployed testing programs... Neither of which I see coming to US too soon, fortunately/unfortunately. Also very interesting how it's being (probably successfully) turned into a propaganda/political system point scoring/soft power development opportunity for China. 

